Its safe to say that when it comes to guitar, after playing for three to four years straight, we cant help being perfectionists. Its obvious that we worry about the outcome of our compositions at times, and we wonder how long the magic will last. Well, I think that as long as you're constantly challenging yourself as a musician, you can't go wrong. Those who stick to one way of thinking throughout most of their lives are bound to fail in more ways than one, and somretimes they don't even notice how much they're stifling their creativity..
We all put ourselves in a delirious mind at one time or another, but whats really important is that we constantly ask ourselves what it is that we wan't to accomplish as musicians. We all set our goals, but we gradually change them in order to fit our mood and current purpose. When writing a song, whats most important to me is that it lifts me off of the ground, and gets me thinking at a whole new level. When it comes to solo writing, I've always used precision, and I tend to double check myself, which has been a habit of mine for quite some time. But Ive noticed, (over the past few years), that my best solos come from my impulsive moments. The times that I have the tape recorder running, and where I just let loose, without worrying about the key of things. And a few days later, I listen back to my efforts, and with my imediate re-action take what I feel is good and use for those songs that call for a little bit of extra power. This method has worked very well for me, and it takes a lot of pressure off trying to fit in the pieces to the puzzle. It just helps me focus on my natural abilities, without losing the original idea I had in mind. So perhaps ou guys have some unique methods when it comes to solos?
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."