With your overall style of music, which band could you picture yourself traveling with? From playing a long with our favorites on the radio, I'm sure that gives us an incredible high, but which band do you feel you're most compatible with? Who would you feel more than comfortable opening up for? As a musician, this is something I'm sure that we have all talked about before, and we have all envisioned one day in our minds what it would be like. Stone Temple Pilots were given the oportunity on more than one occasion to play with their favorites: The Stones, Aerosmith, and where do you go from there? Once you've reach this high level in your career.... You just keep moving on, leaving the doors open for legions of fans to dream of what it would be like one day to be in your position. To continue the legacy...
As a musician, we always wonder what it would be like to share the stage with our favorite artsts. And for a lot of people thats the reason why they get started in the music business to begin with. Not only to create their own style, and to be put in the same catagory by critics around the world, but to one day get the crowd going before the main event. Its wonderful when we finally get the opportunity to see our favorite bands live, but to share the bill, that definitely is more than a life changing experience. It tells us that we've made it.
Now, for a lot of people the opinions of others are very important, and to a certain extent we live and die by their remarks. But what a lot of people don't realize is that the only opinion that really counts is our own. When writing music we're hot and cold, one day we are satisfied with our compositions and the next day we aren't. Its funny being a musician, because it can be the longest roller coaster that one could ever imagine.
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."