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Joined: 08/19/05
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01/16/2006 6:27 pm
Originally Posted by: PonyOnei don't really agree with that... a lot of songs sound way, way cooler played slow... think Dazed and Confused by Zeppelin... that would sound like dog crap played really fast.

i don't really measure how good a band is by whether or not i can play their stuff. my favorite band is Failure, and their stuff isn't overly technical, but it sounds good. i find a lot of people that stretch to play superhuman speeds are doing it to cover up the fact they can't play anything very interesting.

Just talking about Hammett's solos in generall. I like slow songs also. Hammett just got on the pentatonic and shredded like there was no tomorrow, but I really dont think theyre the best composed solos. So I think we actually do agree.
Dont shoot yourself in the head.