View post (Any New Years Resolution for 2006?)

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Joined: 04/04/00
Posts: 527
01/02/2006 12:15 pm
I gave up on New Year resolutions about three years ago...I'd make them and within three days (if I was really lucky!) not only were they broken, but whatever I was trying to give up had gotten worse!

The only thing I'm tempted to try this year, and its not so much a resolution as a necessity, is to try and get my fitness back up. Too many late nights drinking beer, smoking endless amounts of cigerettes and eating junk have started to take its toll, and I figure its best to try and do something about it sooner rather than later!
But, I think that decision has simply coincided with the New Year, rather than been brought on by it...
Don't worry too much about me, ignore me long enough and I'll go away.