On one hand, it cuts down on the ring for a clean sound that way, but my hand rubbing across the strings probably creates a lot of string noise as well.
Muted sweeping?
Sweepmasters: Do you palm-mute as you sweep or no? This is how I've been doing it since I first started but I'm not sure if it's "right" or not, or if it would just sound better if I left it unmuted.
On one hand, it cuts down on the ring for a clean sound that way, but my hand rubbing across the strings probably creates a lot of string noise as well.
On one hand, it cuts down on the ring for a clean sound that way, but my hand rubbing across the strings probably creates a lot of string noise as well.
# 1
Originally Posted by: AkiraI mute the strings which aren't being played whilst sweeping using a mixture of right hand and left hand muting, I think.
Yeah, me too - although I use more fretting hand muting and only use my palm on the bottom 2 strings... gets tricky when adding taps though
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# 2
The heels of both hands for standard sweeps but I also picked up a nice tip from Theodore Ziras: As you sweep down (low to high E), mute the strings you have yet to play by not fully fretting them with the right hand and mute the strings you have just picked with the side of the thumb gripping the plectrum. Hard to explain without a photo, hopfully you get the idea... This really helps to get articulate sweep as it's not easy to fully mute some sweeps using only the heel of the right hand. Hope that helps.
# 3
He does muted sweeps here and I don't get how he does it. I've practiced this except and it's hard enough to smoothly go in and out of these sweeps but I can't do it all when I'm muting it.
He does muted sweeps here and I don't get how he does it. I've practiced this except and it's hard enough to smoothly go in and out of these sweeps but I can't do it all when I'm muting it.
# 4