newbie help scales

Hello, just wondering if anyone could help. ive been playing for about 25 years,nothing serious just at home and with a few bands.the only scales i know are minor pentatonic,pretty much know all the shapes but just learned them recently and would like to put them together better. ive been mostly a rythym player and faking leads.i would like to pick up from the pentatonic scales,and learn step by step more scales and a little theory. my goal is to be able to solo and know where and why things work. if anyone could guide me in the right direction as far as lessons a step by step process that would be great. thanks so much Ed
# 1

Theres a site called Cyberfret that's got a huge tutorial on scales. Takes a bit of reading but it explains a good few things ;)
# 2

I`ll say understand the Major Scale first, I mean... really understand that scale.
Its step pattern, type of intervals and how you alter them, making chords based on that scale, what intervals you change in order to get a minor scale, etc.
You have come to rigth place, this site is filled with information, and people who can answer your questions.
In the mean-time, I`ll link you to a thread, we had a while ago.
Its step pattern, type of intervals and how you alter them, making chords based on that scale, what intervals you change in order to get a minor scale, etc.
You have come to rigth place, this site is filled with information, and people who can answer your questions.
In the mean-time, I`ll link you to a thread, we had a while ago.
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