do you record internally first

do you record your tracs on internal mem. first then play simutaniously all to master/cd on a porto studio multi trac.thanks!larry
# 1

# 2
On a Roland VS-2000 I recorded one track at a time. It worked great for me.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 3

i record my scratch track first...which can (normally) be anywhere from one to 5 or 6 tracks big...i mix it down then i go to work on actually tracking whatever song...which can get as big as 20 tracks or larger....depending on where the band wants to go and all.
it's all done on my computer with cubase LE and a presonus firepod.
it's all done on my computer with cubase LE and a presonus firepod. post is done...goodbye.
# 4

Guide tracks and ideas into Cubase SX, a little bit of editing and cutting to organise a basic arrangement, then re-record all backing tracks properly. Drop in the leads, harmonies and counter melodies (dedicated track each). Midi channels for drum tracks and other plug-ins.
When I'm happy with the recordings, then export each track as a wav file and import them into ProTools for mastering and cleaning up.
Cubase is excellent for recording but ProTools kicks ass when it comes to mastering the final product.
When I'm happy with the recordings, then export each track as a wav file and import them into ProTools for mastering and cleaning up.
Cubase is excellent for recording but ProTools kicks ass when it comes to mastering the final product.
# 5