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Humble student
Joined: 06/12/05
Posts: 1,579
Humble student
Joined: 06/12/05
Posts: 1,579
11/26/2005 1:18 am
Hello all. I've been having a tough time of late and just needed a place to reach out. Hope you all don't mind. A lot of things have been working me over and for the past few weeks I've been feeling totally beaten down in every aspect of my life. I've been divorced for over five years now and in all that time, I've been on precisely two dates. Both of them nightmares. I live alone (unless you count my dog who is the best friend I've got) and my job sucks the very life out of me on a daily basis.

I'm finding it really difficult to find any joy to living these days.

I started playing the guitar about 6 months ago and the going is slow. No natural talent an all that. I find that my attempts at playing seem to depress me more than lift me up.

I guess the point is, I've been feeling mighty low and I seriously can find no point whatsoever to my life. None.

Have any of you been through this and if so, what did you do about it? :(
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]