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Obsessed Freak
Joined: 06/29/04
Posts: 546
Obsessed Freak
Joined: 06/29/04
Posts: 546
11/21/2005 2:02 am
i think both of these shows are great, but personally i like the simpsons better, although family guy is a lot better than some of the newer simpsons episodes, which is to be expected after 16seasons, but older simpsons like seasons 1-9 to me just cantg be beat by family guy, even a lot of stuff from up to the 14th season and a few from even 15 or 16, most people think family guy is way better but i have to disagree, i dont think it will ever make me laugh like a lot of simpsons episodes have,i love fg's stupid humor but the simosons wins my vote, im not saying family guy copied the simpsons because it is definetely not a copy but you cant deny that the simpsons has influenced family guy at least a little bit, it rediefined animated comedy
you have to see some of the similarites,ill just stop now though just to avoid getting possibly flamed...
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.

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