much appreciated

hey all, could someone please explain octaves for me and how they relater to playing in keys and scales and alson if someone could tell me where to go for all scales so as i can start learning them cause all i know is the major scale on the first position and a blues scale in the middle of the neck.
much appreciated
much appreciated
# 1
For scales, try looking around on GT ( ); there's plenty of lessons there to get you started.
As for octaves: If you have 'E' as your root note, the octave will be 'E', but 12 semi-tones higher. So, for example, if you play your bass string without fretting anything, then play it at the 12th fret, the second note, whilst still 'E' is an octave higher.
If you play 'D' on the 5th (A) string, 5th fret, the octave would be either the 17th fret of the same string, or the 7th fret of the 3rd (G) string, and so on and so on...(equally, the open 'E' on the bass string's octave could be the 2nd fret of the Forth (D) string.
Try playing a note, then play it 11 semitones higher, then 12 semitones - you should be able to hear that the note's at 12 semitones are the same, but at different pitches.
Hope I've explained that well enough...
As for octaves: If you have 'E' as your root note, the octave will be 'E', but 12 semi-tones higher. So, for example, if you play your bass string without fretting anything, then play it at the 12th fret, the second note, whilst still 'E' is an octave higher.
If you play 'D' on the 5th (A) string, 5th fret, the octave would be either the 17th fret of the same string, or the 7th fret of the 3rd (G) string, and so on and so on...(equally, the open 'E' on the bass string's octave could be the 2nd fret of the Forth (D) string.
Try playing a note, then play it 11 semitones higher, then 12 semitones - you should be able to hear that the note's at 12 semitones are the same, but at different pitches.
Hope I've explained that well enough...
Don't worry too much about me, ignore me long enough and I'll go away.
# 2

By definition; octave is a group of eight.
Musicaly speaking it is a group of eight tones containing twelve semi-tones.
Tone= Whole step
Semi-tone= Half step
Musicaly speaking it is a group of eight tones containing twelve semi-tones.
Tone= Whole step
Semi-tone= Half step
# 3