We all start playing guitar for a particular reason, being that we wan't to feel the electricity through our fingers, or whether its because we just love the idea of creating our own compositions. From the very beginning, I got started on songwriting, because for the most part that was what pushed me to the next level each day. But once I discovered the many possibilities with this instrument, I was hooked. Because when writing songs I wanlt to feel 100 percent competent, and with expanding my knowledge in different directions Ive always wanted to find out which direction I would naturally lean towards.
I love playing very loud rock songs, and Metallica has definitely been a huge influence for me over the past several years. Their take charge attitude, and their will to focus primarily on their music has opened my eyes like never before. But I think because of my childhood, I'm very much naturally in tone with the blues. Ive never suffered pain like the great legends of our past, and a lot of people feel that in order to play the blues sufficiently you have to suffer. But still, with the overall love of the music, and your natural abilities, theres a way to overcome this cliche. From the very beginning my compositions sounded very bluesy, (even without proper training), its just something thats always been inside of me, Ive just always been looking for a way to let it out. So from the very beginning, once you mastered the basic open/power chords, what style of music did you feel yourself drifting towards? And have you ever felt the need to fight the current due to popular demand, and what your friends expect you to sound like?
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."