What color...
would you associate most with the music/songs you write? I would associate a dark, deep blue with my writing style. Specifically PMS 2745. What about ya'll?

# 1

# 2
Not sure, but it's something similar to this...

# 3
# 4
# 5
Ok ok... I said COLOR. Not colors. Gah!
# 6
I'm not really a musician so much as a force multiplier...
What color would represent that?
What color would represent that?
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
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# 7
Originally Posted by: PRSplayaOk ok... I said COLOR. Not colors. Gah!
I'm not racist... my music is for all colors.
# 8

The color of dead and rotting wood.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 9
Hmm...maybe like a bandana? Yeah I know...multiple colors, but just barely. Whuteva.

[FONT=Palatino Linotype]"Bust a nut!" - Dimebag
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein[/FONT]
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein[/FONT]
# 10

its hitting me as a sort of dark brownish color.... dont know for shure.
i may have to sit and contimplate this for longg hours...
i may have to sit and contimplate this for longg hours...
# 11

thank you, CW14.
that is close to the color now that ive contemplated.
thank you, CW14.
that is close to the color now that ive contemplated.
# 12
Not sure really, maybe like a dark green.... :confused:
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 13
Originally Posted by: bigbudaNot sure really, maybe like a dark green.... :confused:
you write horny music or something?
for me, I think of a terquoise (sp?) and some songs are just plain black. still others are orangish... but a little more on the yellow side.
# 14
Originally Posted by: 6strngs_2hmbkrsyou write horny music or something?
for me, I think of a terquoise (sp?) and some songs are just plain black. still others are orangish... but a little more on the yellow side.
Yeah, I start playin and the girls start strippin. :cool:
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 15
Originally Posted by: CW14The last song you posted sounded green to me
I thought it sounded pink.
# 16
Originally Posted by: RaskolnikovI'm not really a musician so much as a force multiplier...
What color would represent that?
As for mine, it just depends. I don't really always just think of a color. Most of the time I think of a room, or a building or place or something. For example, a song I'm working on right now makes me think of a library, so it would have a dark brown, faded and worn look to it, kind of dusty with the odor of old books lingering in the air, kind of dilapidated. Now granted the music might be a bit loud and heavy for a library, but it's just what I think of when I play it.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 17
Originally Posted by: CW14The last song you posted sounded green to me
"sometimes"? yeah, I was thinking kinda green, but kinda blue, so I came up with terquiose...
# 18
Originally Posted by: 6strngs_2hmbkrsyou write horny music or something?
Big Band? Ska? Symphonies? Wind Ensemble? Brass Band?
# 19