I don't like the way stratocasters look honestly. I have my ibanez which is a strat copy, black with a white pickguard.... yeah, do you know how often I get things like "oh, my boyfriend has that guitar" or "oh, my brother has one just like that!" it's annoying
I like teles more, though, now that I think about it, I've never really played a strat or a tele... (not a fender at least), I've played a 1964 fender mustang, and did not like the shape of the neck at all, it was so narrow! my fingers were squished together to make chords... but I'm aware that the fenders have lots of different neck shapes.
as for comfortability, I've never really been able to play any guitar sitting down. I like playing standing up, cause I have my guitar hanging down by my waist, and when I'm sitting it's like against my chest, and I just can't play like that very well. so, in conclusin, I like teles more, though I've never played either... just from looks and from ones that I've heard.