Famous guitars that you drool over...

Well, who's guitars make you absolutely crazy? For me, I have always loved Angus Young's cherry-red SG. That guitar is just plain awesome, especially to see the master behind the work.
# 1

There's this one really cool guitar that Kirk Hammett plays on the video, "Cunning Stunts" (an excellent concert). The body is clear, and there's like this green liquid inside of it. It looks like a lava lamp. Damn, I love that guitar.
# 2
Nigel Tufnel's (spinal tap's lead guitarist)ernie ball music man series with the speedometers built in. That guitar friggin rules he played it live on vh1 a couple of months ago......damn cool guitar
"I need a girl who's as hot as my guitar."
# 3

Billy Corgan's baby blue strat with the bats and the 'honk if you hate people too' sticker. and Mike McCready's (of pearl jam) 57' sunburst strat. Billy Gibbons' "Pearly Gates" '59 burst Les Paul.
# 4

james hetfields esp explorer (the one he played in the i disapear video) ugh ITs so wseet but there only 48 of them, BAH!
My guitar is like an umbillical cord, its wired into my head.
# 5

I would kill for a jimi hendrix sig. strat. Or even just a nice left handed cream colored strat strung for a righty, I'm easy.
# 6

I'd give my big toe for this guitar http://gbase.com/guitar_picture.asp?guitar=276889
a real beaut
a real beaut
"Take my hand boss"
# 7