Building Calluses

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=Red][B] Hey I just started learning and holy jeebus the fingers hurt...anyone got any tips on how to build calluses quicker? :eek:
# 1

# 2

yeah, just keeping at it for many hard months and you'll get it.
the pain adds character ;)
the pain adds character ;)
# 3
It wont take months, but a week and a half- 2 weeks and you will play w/ a lot less pain.
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
# 4

I have been playin for nearly a year now and i have calluses but my fingers are ripped to shreads. I can't feel it but i sometimes have to stop playing for a while because the cuts are so bad. I guess thats what you get.
Im not ok. Im not okhayhay. Im not ok.
Im not O f****n K.
Im not O f****n K.
# 5
For a little while your fingers will overcompensate with the calluses but soon they'll even out and you'll have calluses and normal looking fingers :D
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
My YouTube Profile
My YouTube Profile
# 6

Sorry to bump this old thread but I have been search google for good ways to build calluses and found a site i thought I would share. The site is
I wanted to put it here for other people who visit this thread looking for good tips.
I wanted to put it here for other people who visit this thread looking for good tips.
# 7

Hi - the best way to deal with sore fingertips and building calluses is to use a liquid callus building formula like Rock-Tips. It really helps with those tender tips :)
# 8

:D Just loving that!
ā¢You can really beat the crap out of them without much pain.
ā¢Lots of padding for heavy objects.
ā¢Risk of losing function of fingers.
ā¢Improved risk of arthritis.
ā¢Ladies will not be impressed.
ā¢Cops deeming them lethal weapons if used in fight."
Well I'm just off out to get a bucket of ball bearings and maybe even some molten lava.
If that don't give me some good calluses, nothing will!:rolleyes:
ā¢You can really beat the crap out of them without much pain.
ā¢Lots of padding for heavy objects.
ā¢Risk of losing function of fingers.
ā¢Improved risk of arthritis.
ā¢Ladies will not be impressed.
ā¢Cops deeming them lethal weapons if used in fight."
Well I'm just off out to get a bucket of ball bearings and maybe even some molten lava.
If that don't give me some good calluses, nothing will!:rolleyes:
# 9

I have been playing for 6 months now. For the first two to three months, I would be crying from the pain!! Then the callouses really started to thicken up and it started to get easier. About 6 weeks ago they all started to peel, and I am now playing with no visible callouses at all! My fingertips are definitely thicker, and to an extent desensitised, and it doesn't hurt anymore. I was tempted to use something to make it more comfortable, but I'm really glad I didn't. Time, perseverance and hard work has really paid off. Hopefully you will be feeling alot more comfy soon! :)
# 10
I'd also say that I don't have specfically callouses, just the skin is harder and that's it. I don't remember that I had serious troubles with reaching this condition, though it was painful too, of cousre. :) But I after a few weeks, maybe, a month my thick skin was there and I could enjoy playing my guitar.
# 11
That's some great playing on your you tube site. Keep up the good work.
That's some great playing on your you tube site. Keep up the good work.
# 12