Recording a live show...

Explanation: Southerner
Joined: 05/10/04
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Explanation: Southerner
Joined: 05/10/04
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09/14/2005 6:01 pm
I'm gonna start recording our live shows onto my Yamaha digital 4 track. The question is, should I set up 2 mics in the back of the room or run 2 tracks off the board?

I would use all 4 tracks, but with the mini disc it records on, the more tracks I use, the less time I can record. With 2 tracks, I can record about 40 minutes...
Check out my band:
Havoc Din
# 1
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09/14/2005 7:10 pm
maybe you could use a small mixer or utilise the one youve got
and still use the the 4 feeds
the ambience mics mixed together with the direct feeds will
give a better sound. this will aslo enable you to just record to
2 tracks.

not sure how many channels your mixer has but if it has 2 spare
feed the room mics into this, and feed your stereo outs
to your recording device as usual
# 2
Explanation: Southerner
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Explanation: Southerner
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09/14/2005 9:42 pm
So, in other words, plug 2 mics into a mixer and send those to one track of the 4 track, and also run stereo out's from the main board into the same mixer and run those 2 tracks into 1 track of the 4 track?

Damn, I confused myself on typing that.....
Check out my band:
Havoc Din
# 3
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09/14/2005 10:01 pm
no, if your main board (im assuming mixing board) has 2 spare input channels,
feed your 2 microphones into that, along with whatever else you have going in there Vocals, guitar etc..

set the levels

then send the stereo out of that mixing board into the 2 channels of your yamaha.

make sense?
# 4
Explanation: Southerner
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Explanation: Southerner
Joined: 05/10/04
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09/15/2005 4:03 pm
Ahhh, I gotcha now.

I'll give that a try, haven't thought about doing it that way.

Thanks man...
Check out my band:
Havoc Din
# 5

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