The Nixon's, I think these guys are good musicians who really care about the overall structure of their songs, and for those who desperately wan't to sing along to something catchy and meaningful, well they should look no further. They're a really a good rock band, and their shows are even better. But why haven't they reached the top (popularity wise?) With their debut album Foma the only song that gave them recognition was "Sister", which isn't exactly the best and most meaningful song off the record. The title of their debut album takes its title from author Kurt Vonnegut's phrase for meaningless lies that people live with to make themselves feel better...
Perhaps there are some band from over he past few years who you feel deserve more than one hit wonder status?.. those who have been percieved in the wrong way.. instead of as individuals, they were just seen as another trend...
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."