My guitar

Registered User
Joined: 03/12/05
Posts: 18
Registered User
Joined: 03/12/05
Posts: 18
09/11/2005 3:30 pm
I just bought a 1997 telecaster amxn can check it out @

I like it a lot...i just want to know what mods wuld you make to it??
Fender Acoustic DG-20CE
1997 AMXN series Tele
2002 Squier Strat
Fender 15 watt
Peavey 60 watt
# 1
Vote For Pedro
Joined: 01/11/05
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Vote For Pedro
Joined: 01/11/05
Posts: 1,368
09/11/2005 4:18 pm
nice guitar dude!
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 2
Mr. Hardcore Oldschool
Joined: 06/23/04
Posts: 177
Mr. Hardcore Oldschool
Joined: 06/23/04
Posts: 177
09/11/2005 6:56 pm
Well we could all sit here and think of what to do with ur Tele but at the end of the day it all comes down to ur own preference. What kind of music do you want to play on it? Y'know....stuff like that. I'm not gonna tell someone who wants to play jazz to drop some EMG 81's and/or 85's in their guitar and drop their tuning down 2 steps and play through a distorted Marshall. It's all up to you really. What do u like about it and what do u dislike. Then we can make some suggestions. Guitars are very personal...what works for me doesnt neccesarily work for you.
# 3

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