are ibanez's good

are ibanez's any good ive been saving up for about 6 months and i have like 1,000 dollars and i want a kik ass sound and im into all of this new and old metal. i want something with a alot of tonal range as far as distortion. i dont want a les paul because they seem like more contemporary rock guitars and blues guitars but if you have one or know stuff about them pleas tell me because i am about to buy it. i just need to know if they are good quality.
# 1

That would all depend upon which model you are considering.
Ain't nothin' but a Gear thang, baby!
# 2

for a heavier sound w/lots of tone get an ibanez iceman or AX series. They play well, don't cost too much and have a nice tonal range. Plus, they can get enough quality distortion to knock your socks off w/out killing the sound. and yeah, ibanez guitars are good quality.
# 3

I don't know as much about metal tones, but I bought an Ibanez Talman TC-430 about 7 years ago. I think back then I spent just under $600.00 US. It's extremely comfortable I nothing can touch the great tone for the price I paid.
In general I think Ibanez builds a great axe for your dollar. I'd have to spend 2x on a Strat. to be as happy.
In general I think Ibanez builds a great axe for your dollar. I'd have to spend 2x on a Strat. to be as happy.
# 4