First, a little about me so you know where my goals are (I'll try to keep it somewhat brief). I was given a Fender (Korean) acoustic about 10 years ago. I wanted to play but found it tough to start from scratch on my own and so the guitar was a room decoration for years. About 2 years ago I picked it up and started painfully working on chords - gained a little confidence and learned some Eagles rythyms. Christmas this year I bought an Epiphone SG with a 10 watt Kustom amp. I've messed with this and/or my acoustic almost everyday since then and have been learning as much as I can from here,, tabs, Hal Leoanard and Total Guitar books and a couple of sessions with accomplished players (I felt really inadequate trying to do the simplest things with them but learned more from playing with them in an hour than 20 hours practice on my own!). Last month I took the plunge and bought a Marshall Valvestate amp - WOW!!!!
Favourite Group: The Tragically Hip
Favourite Genres: Classic Rock, Southern Rock, Blues Rock
Best guitar accomplishment so far: playing rythym to the Tragically Hip's New Orleans is sinking along with the CD.
Strengths: E,A,D,G Major Chords, lots of enthusiasm and a willingness to make time for practice at least 30 minutes per day.
Weaknesses: everything else :(
I've read everywhere here that if you want to improve: practice, practice, practice. I want to build a practice schedule for myself to progress consistently rather than learning the first couple measures of a bunch of songs from tab. So, here's what I'm thinking I should start with:
Darren Jones' Pull Off Exercise, Hammer On Exercise, picking exercise once a day.
Schmange's Palm Muting Basics once a day.
Pentatonic Scales!!
Get to know my fretboard.
Work on two songs as I have time till I learn them.
Play with other guitarists at least twice a month (all I have time for).
Anyway, to bring this lengthy post to a merciful end, here's my request:
I want to "play" guitar not memorize tab sequences. I would REALLY appreciate your advice as to particular lessons to work on or techniques I should try and master in some sort of sequence. I figure there is no better people to ask about learning then those who have gone through it before.
Thanks in advance for your help.