Offensive language

How offensive is "bad" language? I mean... How many people on this site are offended by "bad" words?????? I don't think I have ever been offended by a single "bad" word that someone has said... so why is censoriship such a big deal. Especially on this forum? Over 60% of the people that use it are over 18 and the ones that are under... I must say, are pretty mature... I understand setting an example... being a role model... I appreciate that point of view. I don't cuss a lot and I don't use excessive "bad" language... but I'm trying to understand why censorship has to leak so far out that it effects every aspects of our life... our music, our television, our internet experience... you have to get in trouble in order to express your true freedoms... you know what I mean? I'm not talking about racial slurs or durogatory comments that are said to hurt people and condescend... I personally am not offended by them... But I will put someone in their place if they use them around me becuase racism is just another word for ignorance...
# 1
I'm offended when someone say G**D***, but thats about it.
# 2
I am not offended by any form of profane language out there. Not one shred of it. There's merely just a concept behind all the words and the concept is only bad if I really think it's bad. Words to describe physical acts of nature between two people don't bother me. Especially not since there are so many euphemisms out there that literally mean the same thing but for some reason people condone them instead. If a euphemism can be accepted then so can anything else. Same with words that apply to the anatomy, condemnation, female dogs and everything else that people seem to frown on. There's always a way to say the same thing with a different word but mean the same thing, so the point of being offended is lost... to me anyway. Of course the world doesn't work this way. There are a lot of people out there that don't see things the way I do and were raised to strictly believe that profanity is bad and that the concept of the words is so harsh that it dare not be spoken. Of course because there are people that were raised like that they'll **** a brick when they see it without it being censored. I think it's all a load, but I guess it's a pipe dream to hope that everyone could agree so I'm not worried about it. I'm not going to clean my mouth up though. I've been cussing since the 3rd grade. That's what happens when your father insists that you help him work on his car. Only thing I learned out of that was how to piss people off.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
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They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 3
I'm not offended by bad language either.
However, I'd prefer not to read it when I'm trying to find information.
As for GuitarTricks, it's available worldwide, 24/7 to a general audience which includes people under 12 years old with parents who like to get very angry when Timmy reads swear words. Hence the reason for the rules here.
However, I'd prefer not to read it when I'm trying to find information.
As for GuitarTricks, it's available worldwide, 24/7 to a general audience which includes people under 12 years old with parents who like to get very angry when Timmy reads swear words. Hence the reason for the rules here.
# 4

Originally Posted by: schmangeI'm not offended by bad language either.
However, I'd prefer not to read it when I'm trying to find information.
As for GuitarTricks, it's available worldwide, 24/7 to a general audience which includes people under 12 years old with parents who like to get very angry when Timmy reads swear words. Hence the reason for the rules here.
I understand that completly, and I'm not saying that rules are bad. I'm just saying that if you sit back and think about it... they're just words. Either written or spoken... they're just words. People are so sensitive to allow simple words to alter their emotions... I am amazed at how mentally and emotionally stable people are. It's like a mother who sues a rock band becuase her son listened to their music... then killed himself.... well, be a parent and get involved in your childs life. It's not the words of the band that put the noose around your childs neck. I just think people need to stop pointing fingers at things for the problems of society... they need to stop pointing fingers at simple words... Things will never change and I deal with it... It's just sad................................. I think I'm going to write a song about this......
Sorry for my rant. It's just that amidst all the ignorant people. "Freedom of speech" is a phrase lost in translation...
# 5
> I understand that completly, and I'm not saying that rules are bad. I'm
> just saying that if you sit back and think about it... they're just
> words. Either written or spoken... they're just words.
So I guess if somebody posted information here about how to manufacture terrorist bombs, or how to molest children you'd be ok with that?
After all, they're just words too.
> just saying that if you sit back and think about it... they're just
> words. Either written or spoken... they're just words.
So I guess if somebody posted information here about how to manufacture terrorist bombs, or how to molest children you'd be ok with that?
After all, they're just words too.
# 6
I totally agree with Schmange.
In addition it also add a sense of decorum which discourages flaming and all those other things that turn a cool, friendly informative resource into a war zone.
In addition it also add a sense of decorum which discourages flaming and all those other things that turn a cool, friendly informative resource into a war zone.
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# 7
I never understood the concept of a "bad" word....There is a "good" word for every "bad" word, and they have the same definitions.....I want to know who decided one day to spread around these words and start the revolution that they are "bad" words.
In my opinion there is only one curse word, GD!!!
In my opinion there is only one curse word, GD!!!
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Havoc Din
# 8
I like cuss words a whole big bunch. I like the fact that they are so taboo to use, because if they weren't; they wouldn't be as fun to say. I need close-minded douchebags out there telling me how I should think, live, act, and feel about everything. That way when I do the exact opposite, I feel like I'm getting away with something.
Kinda like all those girls I went to college with who grew up in really strict religious households. When they got to college and realized no one was around to tell them how to respond to everything, because they'd been so excruciatingly sheltered their whole lives, they usually ended up doing really dirty things. And I was more than happy to be there to facilitate said activiites.
Kinda like all those girls I went to college with who grew up in really strict religious households. When they got to college and realized no one was around to tell them how to respond to everything, because they'd been so excruciatingly sheltered their whole lives, they usually ended up doing really dirty things. And I was more than happy to be there to facilitate said activiites.
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# 9
Although I agree that they are just words, when you have a site/forum like this where it is accessible to anyone at any age, any time, well, we really need to keep an eye on what we're posting. If this was an adult only site then the idea of censoring what you post may not make much sense, but it's not.
I've always liked what my 8th grade English teacher said, "Your choice of language use is one of the first and most powerful impressions you leave on a another person. You can choose to sound smart and articulate or course and brash. Choose wisely."
If you can't express yourself without dropping a word that someone else is likely to be offended by then perhaps you have to look at what it is that you're trying to say.
I've always liked what my 8th grade English teacher said, "Your choice of language use is one of the first and most powerful impressions you leave on a another person. You can choose to sound smart and articulate or course and brash. Choose wisely."
If you can't express yourself without dropping a word that someone else is likely to be offended by then perhaps you have to look at what it is that you're trying to say.
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 10
I thing the thing that makes them bad is that people get offended by them. I don't but others will.
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 11
Originally Posted by: PonyOnei swear like a sailor. i am full of profanity. but it's for emphatic purposes, generally... "my head f-ing hurts" or "nah, i didn't take that apartment.... it looks like s---." i have absolutely nothing against "bad words," "cursing," "swearing," "cussing" or "profanity" whatsoever. I also know when it's not appropriate to use it; for better or worse, if you're a politician and you're speaking to a group and you drop the F bomb, people are going to talk. Especially on today's completely and utterly retarded morality kick, people are going to question whether you're a clean enough person to lead.
So at work, I don't swear (until i'm in the break room). I don't when I'm talknig to a group of people, unless they're people like me.
That pretty much routes to "there's a time and a place for everything." A lot of my coworkers were shocked when I told them how foul of a mouth I actually have. Some of them refused to believe me since I'm (somehow) able to clean it up a lot come business hours. Other coworkers have the fortunate experience of me splurging a damn, hell or **** here and there. But I've never dropped the "F" down.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
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Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 12

One question, why use them?
If intelligence is to be shown then why swear words? I feel that when I hear innappropriate words then I have lost respect for the person using them. I can have a conversation that lasts hours and not one swear word, or cuss word, would be said and emotions could still be expressed, but when one swear word is spoken it makes the whole conversation less valuable.
Well, that was more than 'one question', but you know what I mean, if it needs profanity to make a point then what was the point? Shock? Even biting the head off of bats gets old and then it's a matter of getting a shot so you don't get infected.
If intelligence is to be shown then why swear words? I feel that when I hear innappropriate words then I have lost respect for the person using them. I can have a conversation that lasts hours and not one swear word, or cuss word, would be said and emotions could still be expressed, but when one swear word is spoken it makes the whole conversation less valuable.
Well, that was more than 'one question', but you know what I mean, if it needs profanity to make a point then what was the point? Shock? Even biting the head off of bats gets old and then it's a matter of getting a shot so you don't get infected.
# 13
Originally Posted by: t_shirtsnjeansOne question, why use them?
If intelligence is to be shown then why swear words? I feel that when I hear innappropriate words then I have lost respect for the person using them. I can have a conversation that lasts hours and not one swear word, or cuss word, would be said and emotions could still be expressed, but when one swear word is spoken it makes the whole conversation less valuable.
Well, that was more than 'one question', but you know what I mean, if it needs profanity to make a point then what was the point? Shock? Even biting the head off of bats gets old and then it's a matter of getting a shot so you don't get infected.
True, however, I tend to avoid foul language in my writing more than my everyday speaking. Speaking really isn't critiqued academically, and I enjoy saying **** every other word.
# 14
Originally Posted by: PonyOnewhat if that mindset makes you lose the point of a very powerful conversation? what makes any variety of profane words different from any other words, other than the fact they show a severe emphasis on a certain thing?
once upon a time, compound words and conjunctions were improper. "don't," "aren't," "can't" were and in some circles still are considered improper english, yet every dignitary from every english speaking country uses them, you hear them at a country club, etc. Ten years ago, "bitch" was considered a bad word, now it's accepted in the mainstream.
And it will only be a matter of time until words that begin with "S" and/or "F" also become mainstream and will then be replaced by other words. I can think of one that begins with a "C" that seems to be offending a number of people.
I'm similar to Jolly on the notion that when I write lyrically or poetically 95% of the time I don't use a single shred of profanity. Every so often I'll come across a song that has a topic that is welcoming, but I prefer to not be obscene in lyrics. Casual talk is completely different though. I don't care about that. It's not formal and if someone seems to think that I must not have anything worth while to say because there's profanity involved then... well, sure, I'll let them have that point if it means they're going to leave me alone.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 15

Originally Posted by: t_shirtsnjeansOne question, why use them?
If intelligence is to be shown then why swear words? I feel that when I hear innappropriate words then I have lost respect for the person using them.
BAM! That's my point exactly. If they are just words, then can't you simply just use other ones? When someone starts to swear, it just makes them seem overly angry.
It can be soooo much more intimidating and devestating even to use more "sophisticated" words.
Which sounds cooler to you?
You're a ****** wuss!
how can you look at yourself, I mean you're such a [U]caitiff[/U]!
caitiff: despicable or cowardly person.
Pick up a dictionary every once in awhile! Does it hurt you to be educated?
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 16

Originally Posted by: The Ace
Does it hurt you to be educated?
Yes, Now shut up and make me a sandwich
|/- :eek: Zeeky Boogy Doog :eek: -\|
< - (o .0) - >
< - (o .0) - >
# 17

Words aren't just words. They have an impact. And if the 'words are just words' then why call them 'profane'? Also, when you train your dog on just 'word' commands and you say 'KILL' or 'ATTACK' as the dog is trained will it do as told due to mere 'words'?
Profanity uses empty worthless words. If you call someone a 'f'ing idiot' are they really an idiot who 'f's? Hmm, ok, that would be descriptive, but would it be a slam?
Totally pointless to use profanity. It takes a little more brain power to avoid those words instead of 'like' this and 'like' that like I know like when like I was in like school and like it was like cool to like 'like' someone without like really loving them and like they'd go like to parties and like be cool ya know, like how would you like like it if like they like acted like you?
Go ahead and use profanity, it'll make you like look like the idiot like that uses other like useless like words.
Profanity uses empty worthless words. If you call someone a 'f'ing idiot' are they really an idiot who 'f's? Hmm, ok, that would be descriptive, but would it be a slam?
Totally pointless to use profanity. It takes a little more brain power to avoid those words instead of 'like' this and 'like' that like I know like when like I was in like school and like it was like cool to like 'like' someone without like really loving them and like they'd go like to parties and like be cool ya know, like how would you like like it if like they like acted like you?
Go ahead and use profanity, it'll make you like look like the idiot like that uses other like useless like words.
# 18
Originally Posted by: t_shirtsnjeansWords aren't just words. They have an impact. And if the 'words are just words' then why call them 'profane'? Also, when you train your dog on just 'word' commands and you say 'KILL' or 'ATTACK' as the dog is trained will it do as told due to mere 'words'?
Profanity uses empty worthless words. If you call someone a 'f'ing idiot' are they really an idiot who 'f's? Hmm, ok, that would be descriptive, but would it be a slam?
Totally pointless to use profanity. It takes a little more brain power to avoid those words instead of 'like' this and 'like' that like I know like when like I was in like school and like it was like cool to like 'like' someone without like really loving them and like they'd go like to parties and like be cool ya know, like how would you like like it if like they like acted like you?
Go ahead and use profanity, it'll make you like look like the idiot like that uses other like useless like words.
They're not useless. They're very charged words that have a tangible connotation just like any other words.
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# 19
Originally Posted by: t_shirtsnjeansWords aren't just words. They have an impact. And if the 'words are just words' then why call them 'profane'? Also, when you train your dog on just 'word' commands and you say 'KILL' or 'ATTACK' as the dog is trained will it do as told due to mere 'words'?
Profanity uses empty worthless words. If you call someone a 'f'ing idiot' are they really an idiot who 'f's? Hmm, ok, that would be descriptive, but would it be a slam?
Totally pointless to use profanity. It takes a little more brain power to avoid those words instead of 'like' this and 'like' that like I know like when like I was in like school and like it was like cool to like 'like' someone without like really loving them and like they'd go like to parties and like be cool ya know, like how would you like like it if like they like acted like you?
Go ahead and use profanity, it'll make you like look like the idiot like that uses other like useless like words.
Hold the phone here. Profanity doesn't make people look like the idiot. You might look like a jackass if you go into a nursery and tell all the kids Carlin's 7 dirty words. But that's still different since you're violating other peoples' right to moderate what their kids hear. As an adult I am capable of deciding what I say and I have no problem with cleaning my mouth up if it's needed (like at work or some formal situation). But if you catch me when I'm just kicking back at home then you're going to hear verbal filth. Why use the words? Why not? I always find it more pompous of another person to belittle others and assume they're idiots because of their personal use of rhetorics. Especially in an informal situation. If you don't want to use profanity then that's fine. I support your decision to do what you feel is right for you. If you prefer to be in a profanity clean environment then I still support you. But if you think I lack worth while thoughts and knowledge because I use profanity then I disagree.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 20