dude... I found someone who I can share in my
ADDICTION of all things mountain dew... I like all kinds, regular, livewire, code red (my favorite), and pitch black... all were exquisetly awesome!!!!! but alas, I've had to cut back on it tremendously... partially because it was the healthy thing to do, partially because I wanted to lose weight (and diet mountain dew is made by satan!!! it just has no flavor!!!)
I still have one every once in a while, and I down the can (it tastes so much better from a can then it does from a bottle) in about 15 seconds flat, then I'm just craving more... the temptation is tough to resist, but somehow I manage... well, I decided Im going to start working out again, so, after I build some muscle, maybe my metabolism will be able to take a couple a day...
last summer, I was trying to get those dew points things (remember those?) and I got up to 66... and my mom bought only 24 packs... plus she bought two 36 packs from cosco (only to find out that the 36 packs don't give any points) so, I drank about 276 mountain dews, last summer alone... not counting any that I drank from either 2 liter or 20 oz. bottles... but I didn't drink all those mountain dews by myself, so, I guess it evens it out... almost 300 in 3 months... *sigh* now you see why I needed to cut back