We've been dancin' with Mr. Brownstone...
Thank You Moderators!!!

I love all the moderators on here. Thank you for keeping this board from becomeing a complete wankfest. I had signed up to another board and thats all it was. No useful conversation was on there. Hell no one ever had a conversation. All of it was an endless burning of other members. Some of it gets quite funny but it gets tiring when everyone is there to argue. I would cry if this board got to be that way.
# 1
[font=trebuchet ms]Thanks for the props!
We've had some scary times here, but it helps that there's a lot of good people helping to keep this site a quality place. And that means the members as well as the volounteer staff.[/font] :)
We've had some scary times here, but it helps that there's a lot of good people helping to keep this site a quality place. And that means the members as well as the volounteer staff.[/font] :)
# 2
That's part of the reason why this is the only forum I stick around. The people here have personality. Everywhere else is full of dumbasses or watered down pukes that dare not cross the line of tact for the sake of personality. So here's to the moderators, I guess, for filtering the jackasses or at least most of them.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 3
Many groovy thanks :)
We definitely like keeping this as a place where ya can hang out without a bunch of wankers spoiling it for everybody.
We've got people watching this place 24/7 so even if they do sneak in, they don't last very long. Their IP's get permanently flagged so they can't sign up under a different name without us knowing it either.

We definitely like keeping this as a place where ya can hang out without a bunch of wankers spoiling it for everybody.
We've got people watching this place 24/7 so even if they do sneak in, they don't last very long. Their IP's get permanently flagged so they can't sign up under a different name without us knowing it either.

# 4

same here, theyr not too harsh, not too slack... :)
i hope it goes like that... :D
i hope it goes like that... :D
[FONT=Verdana]rest in heavenly peace lil' fox...[/FONT]
# 5

I don't remember ever seeing anyone get themselves banned here. I'm sure it's happened, but I missed it.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 6
Originally Posted by: HammurabiI don't remember ever seeing anyone get themselves banned here. I'm sure it's happened, but I missed it.
There's been several. Mostly guys that either blatantly post spam or start off by getting into personal attacks for no reason.
Arguments that start off with words like 'so and so sucks!" don't go over too well. Or purposely bypassing the language filters by sprinkling their posts with $%#% or saying stuff like 'phuck yoo'.
Hiding text in white space ain't too kewl either cause we can still see it.
A lot of stuff happens on Friday and Saturday nights when guys get home from the bar.
Most times you'll get a warning first or a temporary ban, especially if you've been on the board a long time. But after a couple of warnings yer outa here.
Plus, anytime we catch somebody acting like an ass, we all talk behind their backs in the moderator section which is always lotsa fun.

# 7
Originally Posted by: HammurabiI don't remember ever seeing anyone get themselves banned here. I'm sure it's happened, but I missed it.
It's funny, we'll have weeks and months that go by with we moderators barely having to lift a finger and then, out of nowhere we'll get slammed with what seems like legions of imbecilic sappers who quickly end up having to be banned and their posts forever sanitized from the forum.
Anyway, thanks. It's always nice to know our work is appreciated.
Ultimately, though, I think the biggest thanks need to go to Jon; in the end, he's the one who decides on the rules, how they're enforced and sets the tone for the rest of us. Along those same lines, Schmange also deserves a nod for adapting the Usenet rules to GuitarTricks, reminding us of the old addage that often "less [moderation] is more," and a zillion other details that would, frankly, be friggin' obnoxious to list.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 8

Originally Posted by: schmange
Plus, anytime we catch somebody acting like an ass, we all talk behind their backs in the moderator section which is always lotsa fun.
.... :( ...
We've been dancin' with Mr. Brownstone...
# 9
Originally Posted by: Akira*covers self in tin foil* They're watching me! Camera's everywhere! @_@[font=trebuchet ms]Oh ho! We're way beyond mere cameras!
Mwahahahahaaa.....[/font] :D
# 10
Originally Posted by: Lordathestrings[font=trebuchet ms]Oh ho! We're way beyond mere cameras!
Mwahahahahaaa.....[/font] :D
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! have you possesed everyone weve ever known and taken over their bodies?, kuz if you have, that would suck
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.
Rock stars ... is there anything they don't know?
Rock stars ... is there anything they don't know?
# 11
Count my props in there as well. Truly one of the best run, most informative and just generally helpful and nice sites on the web. You all do a terrific job. I've been a member for about a month or two (I think) and I've learned a good bit already!
Thank you. :)
Thank you. :)
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 12
I too am thankful. I've tried other message boards as well, but have been less than enthused. It's amazing to see the real sense of community that's generated here.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
My YouTube Profile
My YouTube Profile
# 13

Sometimes you fail to realise that it's not by mere coincidence that all the people on this forum are so "cool", so yeah, here's to the mods!
Sometimes I'll see a "registered user" with 1 post, look at what they're writing, and I'm like, " oh oh, i won't even have time to warn you"
Sometimes I'll see a "registered user" with 1 post, look at what they're writing, and I'm like, " oh oh, i won't even have time to warn you"
# 14
Originally Posted by: Akira... Edit: So what am I doing right now? eh? eh?
[font=trebuchet ms]Typing.[/font]
# 15
Sure I'll thank the moderators, especially now know they talk behind our backs. :rolleyes:
# 16
Originally Posted by: schmangePlus, anytime we catch somebody acting like an ass, we all talk behind their backs in the moderator section which is always lotsa fun.
I assume you never talk about me.
# 17
Originally Posted by: Jolly McJollysonI assume you never talk about me.:rolleyes:
# 18
Originally Posted by: Jolly McJollysonI assume you never talk about me.
uh no.. ahem....of course not.
(quickly going back through my old posts to remove that picture of you I posted)

# 19

Originally Posted by: x0o_BurnOut_o0x.... :( ...
I quite agree...I wonder how often my name comes up...aaah!
Anyway, I am going to join in the mod praise...if nothing else just for your egos.
Thanks guys...as well as informative and all the other things people have said about the forum, you also keep it fun!
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 20