I just went out to the beer store. Got in my car and actually backed right into the garage door cause I forgot to click the opener.
Then I got to the beer store and tried to go 'in' the out door. Then I forgot my empties so I told em to wait while I got em and tried to go 'out' the 'in' door. Then I forgot to get my money for the bottles from the guy so he pocketed it.
Then he asked if I wanted the two large bottles in a bag and I said yeah.
I got my change and grabbed my other carton of beer and tried to walk out the 'in' door again. I get to my car and realize that I'd forgot the bottles, so I go back and try to walk 'in' the 'out' door again.
Then I looked down, and realized I had two different running shoes on.
The two guys and the girl behind the counter are looking at me like I'm nuts and suspiciously trying to figure out if I'm drunk or something.
I finally get out of there, get half way home and realize I missed my cutoff so I had to make a U-Turn and go back to the lights.
Then I finally got home and almost pulled into the wrong driveway... pressing the garage door opener and wondering what the hell was wrong with it....then my neighbor came out and wondered what the hell I was doing in his drive. Finally I made it back home, walked into the kitchen and realized I'd forgotten I was baking chicken wings in the oven and they'd burned to a crisp. Not to mention that I'd lost my metal pan so I used typing paper to put them on.. so I'm lucky the house didn't burn down.
(pic below with all the lovely grease and blackened wings)

I was supposed to be recording the lead to a song today and my mixer isn't working. I bought a keyboard stand on sale and there were no screws in the box. I cleaned my fireplace and accidentally dropped ashes all over the carpet I'd just finished cleaning up the blood on.
An hour later I go to get a nice cold beer and realized, I'd forgotten to put the beer in the freezer.
So now I'm enjoying a nice war foamy beer and typing this.