2 years in, and i still suck

hey, im new here, i think this is just the place ive been looking for... anywho, ive been playing for 2 year, and i still suck, i havent learned anything in the last year, even though ive tried... i know chords and scales, and have taught myself a bunch of songs cause i dont understand tabs, but i dont wanna learn tabs i just want to keep learning but i cant, im stuck... iono how to break out of this either... i wanna learn soloing and intricut stuff like that.... i understand that it all comes from scales and the whole relativity of it all but... well iono , i need somhelp! thanx.... -brandon
# 1

Ever considered taking some lessons?
If you don't want to do that, just get yourself some books on anything you want to learn, or hell, you're on the internet, should be enough info onhere.
One question though, do you read sheet music, or why exactly don't you want to learn how to read tabs?
If you can't do either, you are going to have to rely completely on your hearing, wich is good, but tabs and sheet music are really useful, nobody will argue with that.
If you don't want to do that, just get yourself some books on anything you want to learn, or hell, you're on the internet, should be enough info onhere.
One question though, do you read sheet music, or why exactly don't you want to learn how to read tabs?
If you can't do either, you are going to have to rely completely on your hearing, wich is good, but tabs and sheet music are really useful, nobody will argue with that.
# 2

no, i understand how tabs work and how sheet music works, and i can write tabs and everything, i just cant read them, its hard to explain, and im only 15 so taking lessons is outta the questions. plus i dont think there are lessons around here, and have you ever picked up on eof those books? those just explain basic stuf fin a complicated way... maybe this isnt the place for me, maybe im not meant to be a guitarist, oh well, guess ill go get rid of my account....
# 3
why is lessons out of the question? If you're serious about the guitar, take lessons! I can't stress this enough. If you just want to be a campfire guitarist, then you hardly need any.
# 4

i cant tak elessons, cause no one offers any!!!! and im 15 and still under the rule of parents!
# 5
Your parents won't let you take guitar lessons?
Where do you live may I ask? Don't worry I don't want your home address, I mean what country? I find it hard to believe that there is NOBODY around who could teach you some rudimentary guitar.
Where do you live may I ask? Don't worry I don't want your home address, I mean what country? I find it hard to believe that there is NOBODY around who could teach you some rudimentary guitar.
# 6

You've got a computer use it. There are lot of good websites that can give you useful information.
"I'll stand up next to a mountain and chop it down with the edge of my hand."
-Jimi Hendrix
-Jimi Hendrix
# 7

Best thing to do if thier are no lessons and stuff, is either to get a music book from an online store. Or if you have a favorite band, get thier tab book. If you know thier music well, you should be able to figue out the tab. Just stick with it dude.
...But mine go to 11...
# 8

Yeah, don't give up
"I'll stand up next to a mountain and chop it down with the edge of my hand."
-Jimi Hendrix
-Jimi Hendrix
# 9

Try Cyberfret.com. It is a complete site dedicated to guitar instruction and it has videos as well.If you can't find anything there you're outa luck :(
# 10

Try these sites for more instruction. Don't be so hard on yourself. It does help to have an instructor; so it figures if you are doing it on your own it will take longer and be more difficult. Maybe you can have your parents post here or any of the other sites; then we can explain the benefits of taking lessons. BTW, I'm 47 and taking lessons; I could only go so far on my own.
I return after 33 years.
# 11

Have patience,I've been trying to play for near to twenty years and I still suck!But you know I don't care cause I'm not playing to be a star or to please anyone else,but just because it makes me happy.
# 12

You know, perhaps the problem is that you're taking on too much at once, where the whole experience has become too overwhelming? Of course its important to dabble with different techniques, but its really important to take a stepback from what you're doing, and ask yourself what type of style best (naturally) suits you. and with guitar lessons, its not something you should be afraid of or take very lightly, be sure to take some advise here and there from your closest friends, and watch the positions of their fingers. Remember there is a right way to learn, and a wrong way, sometimes if you can't figure out the difference by yourself, then its very important to seek assistence. There are some great websites all over the net, just remember to slow down and take it easy...
And take a page from DimeBag... http://www.guitarworld.com/lessons/artists/1995/9511.dimebag.html
And take a page from DimeBag... http://www.guitarworld.com/lessons/artists/1995/9511.dimebag.html
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 13

fristly, i just want to play for myself too, but as of now, 2 years of learning have given me the knowlegde to play about 6 hlafs of songs, i cant even play an entire song, and i don thave any friends that play the guitar, i dont really have any friends, my problem is i dont have any music theory background, i have no clue how everything fits together, and i already have a style, though i cant play yet, i know what i want to play..... and its not that im afraid of lessons, i cant get them! im not alloud to, i dont think i could stress that anymore... oh well... anywho...
# 14

For the first few years of playing guitar all I did was write music, and yes its safe to say that I only dabbled in the work of others, because I was doing whatever I could to develop my own style. But as the years progress, we kind of gain more patience, (where we stop trying to learn everything at once) and where we just concentrate on what really inspires us to move to the next level. Just try and concentrate on one thing at a time, and although theory ius very important, give your ears a good excercise, try to cop your favorite songs off the radio, and before you know it you'll be playing your favorite solos by ear. Playing guitar is a wonderful learning experience, but the key to success is to enjoy what you're doing, and to make the best of your efforts... There atre some great websites all over the net that can help you gain a better perspective, including this one. :)
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 15

Have you tried to get in a band? There has to be someone around you that plays some sort of instrument that you can jam with. Also, you should buy every Metallica album ever. I don't think that's gonna help you, but damn, Metallica rules!
Kirk Hammett is God!
Kirk Hammett is God!
# 16

it gets me everytime...In search of motivation, its important to just rely on our instincts, its great to just absorb all different kinds of music in one afternoon, and then to sit down and play guitar (naturally) with the tape recording rolling. I love that aspect of playing guitar, just relying on your natural abilities, no pressure, no pencil or notepads, just a clear head...
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 17

Bubba you got the web you got lessons. There all over the place. You want basic music theory, its there too. Look at this site. http://www.zentao.com/guitar. Theres and excellent set of lessons and all the basic theory you need to make sence of what your playing. You kinda sound pretty down on yourself, I spent my 15th summer in hospital or at home the guitar was my only friend then, and I couldn't play it then. I couldn't even see it for half the summer. But I learned how.
# 18

iv been telling everyone on this site to take lessons!!!
im tellin you your gonna regret it!!!
im tellin you your gonna regret it!!!
Max McDougall
# 19

thanx fingers, your like the only person that didnt tell me to go take real life lessons.. hehe... thanx for the site....
and for everyone that has told me to tak elessons, yet again i CANT!!! im not alloud to!!!!!!!! for like the 20th time!, hehe sorry...
but anyways thanx
and for everyone that has told me to tak elessons, yet again i CANT!!! im not alloud to!!!!!!!! for like the 20th time!, hehe sorry...
but anyways thanx
# 20