
Hey, i have a problem with my fingers :-). No actually it's the coordination between the right and the left hand that's mo good, i have bin told that chromatic excersizes are the only thing that can bring coordination bewteen the picking hand and the "playinghand". Does anyone have any other suggestions?
# 1

Well, they say those boring excersices are good ...maybe they are =)
Just don't play anything that isn't fun. If you think a...for example...a speedy yngwie run is more fun to play, then practise that instead. Take it slowly and when the coordination between the two hands is good, then take it a little faster.
It's more fun to be able to play a blazing yngwie or vai lick fast, than be able to play that chromatic excercise fast, ins't it?
Just don't play anything that isn't fun. If you think a...for example...a speedy yngwie run is more fun to play, then practise that instead. Take it slowly and when the coordination between the two hands is good, then take it a little faster.
It's more fun to be able to play a blazing yngwie or vai lick fast, than be able to play that chromatic excercise fast, ins't it?
# 2

# 3
Definatly those 1234 excercices and variations thereof are great, but I believe that if you really want to master something, blaze through a scale for instance, the best way to do that is to practice the scale.
If you want to be the best marathon runner, you use a treadmill, not use an excercise bike.
If you want to be the best marathon runner, you use a treadmill, not use an excercise bike.
# 4
I agree with James.
You'll be better off practicing scales in that you'll actually be able to use those in your playing. Chromatics are only so useful. The only time I play them is when I mess up playing a scale or a riff.
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Lol, ya. It has nothing to do with guitar playing speed, but it sure looks funny.
So MullBenkt, how are those scales coming?
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Even more to the point, thank you my good man. Basically the point I was trying to make is that, in anything in life, the best way to get good at something is to practice that very thing. A runner will still benefit from running on a treadmill or using an excercise bike, but it's not going to be the same as doing what it is he actually intends to be doing. Same goes for practicing in music.
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