life love and rock n roll... fun aint it
best slow/love song

hey i was wonderin wat would be the best slow/love song to play 4 ur girl on a date?? suggestions would be really welcome rite now :confused:
# 1
I used to love her, ooohhhh yeeeeaahhhh, but I had to kill her...
I don't know,
Black Crowes: She Talks to Angels
Oh, learn Beethoven's Fur Elise on the guitar......Women love to hear classical stuff played.
I don't know,
Black Crowes: She Talks to Angels
Oh, learn Beethoven's Fur Elise on the guitar......Women love to hear classical stuff played.
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Havoc Din
Havoc Din
# 2

yea chicks do like clasical dont they but thats a lil difficult since im a metal guitarist but ill try ne once thx suggestions still welcome
life love and rock n roll... fun aint it
# 3
Eric Clapton - Tears in heaven
that should do it...(hehe)
If you could do a good version of "time after time" from cindy lauper,that would also melt her if done well.
that should do it...(hehe)
If you could do a good version of "time after time" from cindy lauper,that would also melt her if done well.
Try once,fail twice...
# 4
Originally Posted by: chucklivesoninmyheartEric Clapton - If I Saw You In Heaven
that should do it...
That one's actually called "Tears in Heaven." But good idea.
# 5

Unchained Melody by the Rightous Brothers. This one WORKS!!!
Whiter Shade of Pale by Procol Harum. This isn't a love song but in the lyrics are some sort of mystical/subliminal messages designed to bring out the inherent eroticism in the female of the species.. If this dosen't work you must have played it wrong.
These are very old songs. They may not work on todays young lovelys; but if you try em, post and let us know what happened.
Whiter Shade of Pale by Procol Harum. This isn't a love song but in the lyrics are some sort of mystical/subliminal messages designed to bring out the inherent eroticism in the female of the species.. If this dosen't work you must have played it wrong.
These are very old songs. They may not work on todays young lovelys; but if you try em, post and let us know what happened.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power;we will know peace" J. Hendrix
# 6

how about "more than words" by Extreme? Yea, its a little corny, but i've had success with that one ;)
# 7

If its your girl friend, ask her what her favorite love song is. If it's a ride you just got off the lot and your looking for a test drive, then play something you are positive you can play near perfection anytime, everytime! She would be more impressed with a good performance, than a sloppy rendition of a good song. If you can make her eye's widen your set, cause chicks LOVE guitar players!! But they leave us for the drummers... damn drummers they get all the women! If you hate that idea try "Arms Wide Open" by Creed.... It's lame, sappy, slow and everything else chicks that don't know music look for in a song.
Diamond Dimebag Darrel Abbot will live forever!!
Diamond Dimebag Darrel Abbot will live forever!!
Diamond Dimebag Darrel Abbot will live FOREVER!
# 8

I would suggest Iris by the goo goo dolls, blue eyes blue by clapton, or lets get it on by barry white
"Live your life while you have it. A life not lived is a life wasted, and a life wasted is unforgivable."
Tyler Wilkins
Feb 2003
Tyler Wilkins
Feb 2003
# 9
I don't guess it qualifies as a love song, but the most requested song by girls (in my own experience) has been "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd.
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]"Bust a nut!" - Dimebag
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein[/FONT]
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein[/FONT]
# 10

no play Eric Clapton "wonderful Tonight" that will do it.
Or Echoes pink floyd which isnt really a love song but so it sounds too good not play.
Or Echoes pink floyd which isnt really a love song but so it sounds too good not play.
Fender telecaster (2004)
Ash body
Ash body
# 11
"Valentine's Day" by Steve Earle.
No woman can resist its power.
No woman can resist its power.
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
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# 12
'Amazed' by Lonestar... hmm... I dunno if it would be a good song to play on a guitar... but it's still a great love song
# 13

alright guys thanks 4 da advice ill be sure to try some it il let yall no how it all works
life love and rock n roll... fun aint it
# 14

Heres symbolic ones in my life... not ones I neccessarily think are best!!!
Cryin by Aerosmith - Just cos I listened to Aerosmith a lot in the summers when I was younger and it was the background music to silly childhood summer romances!!
Always by Bon Jovi - It was the slow song played at my first high school disco back in 94 I think it was!
Back for Good by Take That - I know Im going to get slagged for this but the lyrics can be really emotive if youve been in that situation, so desperate to get a girl back that youll do or say anything even when, deep down, you know its all vane. Some of the best songs are pretty simple so dont discount this one because it originates from a boy band!
Cryin by Aerosmith - Just cos I listened to Aerosmith a lot in the summers when I was younger and it was the background music to silly childhood summer romances!!
Always by Bon Jovi - It was the slow song played at my first high school disco back in 94 I think it was!
Back for Good by Take That - I know Im going to get slagged for this but the lyrics can be really emotive if youve been in that situation, so desperate to get a girl back that youll do or say anything even when, deep down, you know its all vane. Some of the best songs are pretty simple so dont discount this one because it originates from a boy band!
# 15

hey thanks axl the back for good song was pretty good, a bit b 4 my time but good. thanks for intriducin it 2 me ill have to copy that n give it 2 my ex..(man i love that girl... still.) but thx ppl keep em cumin.
life love and rock n roll... fun aint it
# 16

I didnt say I liked it!! Im a rocker, I have dignity!!
I just think sometimes songs are about the words... and wether a song is good or bad, original or not, sometimes the lyrics hit a nerve!
I just think sometimes songs are about the words... and wether a song is good or bad, original or not, sometimes the lyrics hit a nerve!
# 17

# 18