Trigger finger blues

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Joined: 02/06/05
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Joined: 02/06/05
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04/30/2005 1:16 pm
I was wondering if anyone here has heard the term "trigger finger"
also, if anyone has suffered with this set back.
(and what do you do about it?)

I have trigger finger in both my middle fingers......
(please' no smart comments........)
this is so bloody frustrating...when you are trying to play {guitar)
I have to pause momentarily and "unstick" my finger....
Surgery is your only option but, I cant afford 6-8 weeks off..
(if you know what I mean) but, I may have to......... :(

For those who have not heard of this.....
Your fingers start to "lock up" when you grip or bend them.
There is a clicking sound that comes from your fingers....
Laymans terms.....
Lilke a rope running through an eyelet and the rope getting frayed,
jamming up the rope so, it does not flow smothly through the eyelet.
IF its TOO Loud, Your TOO old....
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05/01/2005 2:02 am
Mr.A, My girlfriend had trigger fingers in both hands. The out patient surgery was succesful but it does have about 4 wks recovery time. I know that seems like a long time not to play your ax. Try singin or harp; in four weeks you could be a kick a$$ harp player. She rushed her recovery and now she has to go back for trigger thumb. It won't get better by putting it off. Good luck my brother!!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power;we will know peace" J. Hendrix
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