Hi all - new guy

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04/12/2001 6:33 pm
I'm the new guy and I'm also fairly new at this.
Been playing for about a year and having a good go off it.

I have three guitars -
Two strats and one tele.

I bought a crate dx - 212 amp - to much of an amp for me.
also bought a crates - gfx - 212 - very happy with.

Been struggling of late.
I love scale and picking. Just kinda feels right to me.
I just can't stand to play cords.
I get the finger all over the place and can never seem to preform the change clean and get the chord to ring clean.
I've been watching people when changing from chord to chord and they seem that this is difficult for everyone?
# 1
Fender Man
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Fender Man
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04/12/2001 9:18 pm
I like your choice of guitars, got an strat myself. anyway, chords are not really difficult, they are at first but then they become so easy you won't believe it. I had trouble at first, but then I sat down with a chord guide and made sure I could play each one perfectly, and that you could hear each note clearly. Are you having trouble with barre chords or open chords?
"I'll stand up next to a mountain and chop it down with the edge of my hand."
-Jimi Hendrix
# 2
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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04/12/2001 9:49 pm

Chords aren't difficult? . . . that depends on what kind of chords we're talking about here. If we're talking about the regular chords, major, minor, etc, then no, they're not difficult. But when you get into the more obscure chords, jazz chords, add9s, and suspendeds, then we're talking about some serious hand tweaking.

After a year of playing you should definitely be able to play all of the major and minor chords open and barred with no problems.
# 3
Led Zeppelin
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Led Zeppelin
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04/12/2001 11:00 pm
I know what you mean. Ive always had chord trouble. It dosent come naturally to me. Fingerstyle is my thing. Feels more comfterable.
# 4
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04/19/2001 4:30 pm
Thanks for the reply's.
I've just determined that I suck at this.
I guess do to my fat fingers.
Any have no fear I will just carry on and practice my ass off.
Inch by Inch.
# 5
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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04/19/2001 5:31 pm

I always find it really hard to adhere to those practice schedules that everyone talks about. I'll just start off by goofing around, improvising, and doing some shredding, and when I look up at the clock an hour will have passed.

When you're starting, provided that you're serious about it, you'll probably want to practice at least an hour a day. And if you're having trouble switching between chords, I'd recommend learning some simple strumming-type songs.

What? . . . you're still reading this post? Why aren't you practicing??
# 6
Kirk Hammett is God
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Kirk Hammett is God
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05/11/2001 1:03 am
I agree. Nothin' beats practicin' every day. Except for playing concerts.

Kirk Hammett rules!
# 7
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05/18/2001 4:16 pm
Where did you get all this stuff??? you must be spoiled off your @$$ if you have been playin for a year and have 3 guitars!!! GOD ALMIGHTY!!!
Max McDougall
# 8
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05/18/2001 4:18 pm
If you want to sell that dx 212 ill be willing to buy it.
my email is maxcoke@hotmail.com
Max McDougall
# 9
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05/18/2001 5:59 pm
# 10
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05/18/2001 6:01 pm
I've done well for myself.
Wife and I own some business which we bought at 25 - now 32 and bustin my ass paid off.

One of the Strat's is a custom from the Fender Shop.
The other is a Silver STD.
The Tele - is a cheap squier(sp) - with great wood that is getting a set of EMG pickups and a new bridge.

I'll get a cheap link for the DX - it was only 539 - plus 99 for the foot controller.

Ps - I still work to much. I get in about an hour three days a week.

# 11

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