"Live your life while you have it. A life not lived is a life wasted, and a life wasted is unforgivable."
Tyler Wilkins
Feb 2003
Tyler Wilkins
Feb 2003
Originally Posted by: PonyOneimagine the embarassment on my face when the silk lace panties of our next door neighbor (who was kind of cute, but, a slut)
Originally Posted by: rockonmanI hate living in the dorms...its not the small cell of a room I have to share with another guy that bothers me so much, or the fact that if I want to have a girl over I have to sign her in first, its not even the fact that it is against the rules to drink or play guitar w/ an amp in the room( I didnt say I didnt do it i said it wasnt allowed) but what really gets me insta-pissed is the fact that when I try to do laundry on our expensive as hell machines the never f'n work. I seriously just now go my laundry out of the dryer and guess what it is still just as wet as when i put it in. The only difference is now it is warm wet laundry. Since I need to get SOME sleep( Ive been up for over 37 hours at this point) I was force to just hang them from ever available nook in my room and pray that they will be dry by class tomorrow. Thankyou for allowing me my rant...have a nice day.
Originally Posted by: AkiraLmao! :D Boobs.
Originally Posted by: crazywolfSorry to brag, but my dryer is better than yours!! na na na na boo boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by: HammurabiA rope tied between two trees is cheaper and more environmentally friendly than your drier.
I wonder if I would get in trouble for putting a clothesline between my room and the dorm right by this one.
Originally Posted by: chucklivesoninmyheart
Or no clothes at all?Now that would be totally hippie...
Originally Posted by: chucklivesoninmyheartJust spray your clothes with axe body spray everyday and never do laundry.
Originally Posted by: HammurabiI've already accepted Febreze as my personal lord and savior. No college student should be without a bottle of that stuff.
Originally Posted by: LeedoggI'd use febreze in tandem with the ol' toilet paper roll stuffed with dryer sheets to do a little james bond tokage and have my dorm room smell mountain fresh.