
I just can't get good at soloing! I try to learn licks and stuff but its just not coming together. What can I do?
# 1

Well, I hate to say it, but it takes practice.
The first thing that helped me when it came to soloing was learning theory.
Theory will open up the door and give you some basic starting points in soloing. It's not set in stone, but it will get you started in the right direction.
Learn some theory, and some scales (pentatonic minor and major, the major scale and it's modes) and it will help you out.
The first thing that helped me when it came to soloing was learning theory.
Theory will open up the door and give you some basic starting points in soloing. It's not set in stone, but it will get you started in the right direction.
Learn some theory, and some scales (pentatonic minor and major, the major scale and it's modes) and it will help you out.
Sometimes I hit notes only dogs can hear.
# 2

Originally Posted by: Pantallica1learning theory.
Yep, he is correct. And believe it or not that is the EASY part. What I always tell my students, that they will be able to know enough theory in only a few months to improve solo to any key sig. I play in and know evrything around what I am doing. But it takes a life time to put on the insturment what it is you feel.
# 3

This is what you do bro.
1. Seriously ask yourself, "Do I want to learn how to do this with every fiber of my being?"
2. If you answered "Yes" to the above question, then next ask yourself, "Am I willing to do whatever it takes in order to accomplish this goal?"
If you answered "Yes" to the second question also, then you can learn to solo.
Learning to solo on guitar is a skill which takes many people years to learn. It's a never-ending proccess really.
If you have the determination and discipline to learn how to solo on a guitar; you'll be doing what you once thought was impossible before you know it. It just takes time and practice.
Hell..., I still get frustrated at times when I'm learning something new on the guitar. We all do.
Remember this:
At one point in your life, you could'nt tie your shoes.
At one point, you could'nt walk or stand up.
At one point, you could'nt write or talk.
etc., etc., etc. ................
See my point.
Best of luck to ya bro, and keep practicing! :cool:
1. Seriously ask yourself, "Do I want to learn how to do this with every fiber of my being?"
2. If you answered "Yes" to the above question, then next ask yourself, "Am I willing to do whatever it takes in order to accomplish this goal?"
If you answered "Yes" to the second question also, then you can learn to solo.
Learning to solo on guitar is a skill which takes many people years to learn. It's a never-ending proccess really.
If you have the determination and discipline to learn how to solo on a guitar; you'll be doing what you once thought was impossible before you know it. It just takes time and practice.
Hell..., I still get frustrated at times when I'm learning something new on the guitar. We all do.
Remember this:
At one point in your life, you could'nt tie your shoes.
At one point, you could'nt walk or stand up.
At one point, you could'nt write or talk.
etc., etc., etc. ................
See my point.
Best of luck to ya bro, and keep practicing! :cool:
If eyes are the mirror to the soul, you will see yourself as I see you
# 4

# 5
Learn some solo's from your favorite music...if you listen to sucky music(without any guitar solo's)then there is no hope.
Learn some scales doodle around with them.
Record yourself playing rhythm and practice soloing over it.
Learn some scales doodle around with them.
Record yourself playing rhythm and practice soloing over it.
Try once,fail twice...
# 6
When I wanted to start learning leads, I just laid a rhythm track down in the key of C and just started figuring out where all the natural notes were on the keyboard and just played over top of the rhythm track. This helped me find notes on the fretboard as well as helped with the theory since I know where to go on the neck.
# 7

I am frustrated right now, I need one more peice for my juries this semster and I can't come up w/ anything to learn. ERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! :mad:
Any ideas would help. remember classical guitar. Thanks
Any ideas would help. remember classical guitar. Thanks
# 8
How about Mozart's "Turkish March?"
Some Terrega, perhaps?
Some Terrega, perhaps?
# 9
Originally Posted by: stolly3I just can't get good at soloing! I try to learn licks and stuff but its just not coming together. What can I do?
What you need is the original guitar tricks :)
# 10
You mean you haven't updated your tricks Jon...
I hope they are flash tab compatible !!
....Tee Hee !!
I hope they are flash tab compatible !!
....Tee Hee !!
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 11

I agree with learning some theory. You gotta know your way around the fret board to solo effectivly but If I were you I would start out with some basic blues scales and go from there. Solos dont have to be overly complicated to be good. I mean one well placed or exicuted note is worth a thousand bad ones. Take Angus Young for instance, he plays basic blues scales but he plays them with such power and emotion that nobody can better him at what he does and on the mellower end BB king has spent a lifetime playing that sweet one note at a time on a simple blues scale. I would start at the heart of rock and roll and from there you'll be on your way to shreading it up.
# 12

Originally Posted by: Jolly McJollysonHow about Mozart's "Turkish March?"
Some Terrega, perhaps?
What by Terrega? I'm playing Capricho Arabe and everything else I have by him is not really impressive enough for my instructor. I love Terrega though, one of my favorites.
# 13

Originally Posted by: ShadowbornThis is what you do bro.
1. Seriously ask yourself, "Do I want to learn how to do this with every fiber of my being?"
2. If you answered "Yes" to the above question, then next ask yourself, "Am I willing to do whatever it takes in order to accomplish this goal?"
If you answered "Yes" to the second question also, then you can learn to solo.
Learning to solo on guitar is a skill which takes many people years to learn. It's a never-ending proccess really.
If you have the determination and discipline to learn how to solo on a guitar; you'll be doing what you once thought was impossible before you know it. It just takes time and practice.
Hell..., I still get frustrated at times when I'm learning something new on the guitar. We all do.
Remember this:
At one point in your life, you could'nt tie your shoes.
At one point, you could'nt walk or stand up.
At one point, you could'nt write or talk.
etc., etc., etc. ................
See my point.
Best of luck to ya bro, and keep practicing! :cool:
I'd just like to add that with all of that, don't wig out and make yourself go psycotic, if you do it too much it'll become too much of a chore, I guess I just mean that you should make sure you're still having a blast with it.
Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.
# 14

Stop thinking and just close your eye's and FEEL.
The praticeing and scales are only the tools to improve your confidence(left brain) but when it comes to the actual solo stop thinking and open yourself up and let it flow(right brain)Sit on one note and "feel" how it sits in the groove and start there.
The praticeing and scales are only the tools to improve your confidence(left brain) but when it comes to the actual solo stop thinking and open yourself up and let it flow(right brain)Sit on one note and "feel" how it sits in the groove and start there.
# 15