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Proud Celica Enthusiast
Joined: 08/14/04
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Proud Celica Enthusiast
Joined: 08/14/04
Posts: 3,837
02/26/2005 10:39 pm
Originally Posted by: educatedfilmit's just that god has poeple's intrests at heart, and i'm not sure you could call something that bans murder, theft, lying, rape, etc as being something evil...

it's like I was saying to chucklivesoninmyheart in an e-mail earlier today... God doesn't want people to sin, but he gives us a free will... oh and by the way, all sin is still a sin in God's eyes... and he treats all sin the same... you can be a nice person your entire life, but that doesn't mean you haven't slipped at least once...

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)

so you can be a nice person, and never do anything horrible, but reject God, and still go to hell... on the other hand, a seriel killer could go to heaven if he asks for forgiveness of his sins and means it. heck, even marilyn manson could go to heaven if he repented. now, you have to look in the bible, and one person that God really really loved, King David, had committed adultry, he had murdered, and had done various other sins... but yet he was still "a man after God's own heart"...

You may think that leading a good life might earn you some kind of benefit, but reall it all boils down to whether you ask forgiveness or not, because no one is perfect...
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