Originally Posted by: 3rd_degreeburnway too cliche for my tastes...
sorta like the " I lost my girlfriend and im depressed" punk (this generations punk...not the old school stuff) crap or the " I hate everthing about you" cliche crap
good try though
I have to respectfully agree with this post at least as far as theme goes. I will say that there is definite skill evident in the writing style. I'd apply your skills to another theme. The "no one understands me" thing is way played out. And I am guilty of writing more than my fair share of those lyrics.
Like I said- there is lyrical skill evident in the writing, but I'd try to find a more clever way to sneak it in thematically.
[FONT=Times New Roman]The rich get richer til the poor get educated.[/FONT]
-Sage Francis
-Sage Francis