Hammer on and pull off riffs

People, I wanted to know if anyone knows a good exercise for practicing hammer on- pull off riffs and to strengthen left hand fingers. I want to play Satch's Flying in a Blue Dream.
# 1
I think I have the tab for Blue Dream somewhere. Nothing's better than learning the real thing.
I learned the first solo a while ago, and it was some pretty tough stuff. The solos on Blue Dream are mostly legato, with a few tremelo picking parts, but if you're up to it I'll see if I can find the tab.
# 2

Christoph: I already have the tab for it, what I need is to strengthen my fingers to be able to play it... anyway, thanx.
# 3
Well, in that case try playing the pentatonic scale and the modes using nothing but hammers and pulls. And play some string-crossing arpeggios using only hammers and pulls.
By the way, to keep the open strings from ringing out when you're doing the hammers and pulls, you'll want to cross your right hand over your left and lay your index finger across the strings right by the nut.
That'll get your left hand whipped into shape in no time. (Either that or you'll get really frustrated and trash your guitar.)
# 4