Where or How can I find more inspiration?

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02/10/2005 9:25 pm
I remember when I started playing (3yrs ago). I loved playing my guitar making new stuff, experimenting, always having new ideas, and just having fun.

But lately it seems boring like it feels that everything has been done or heard.
when Im playing I cannt find no exciment as i use too in the old days. NOTHING seems to give me inspiration the way it use too. And come up with new ideas....

Im sure some or most of you has felt the way on some days, that just couldnt wait to get home and grab your guitar and start jamming out,
Because you had an idea for a song. makes me ask myself if im a musician or just a wanna be one......

>>>if that makes any sense to any one<<<
Give me some tips Im getting desperate and discourage........!!! :(
# 1
Kevin Taylor
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Kevin Taylor
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02/10/2005 9:41 pm
Try learning a completely new technique like sweeping or tapping.
Learn some new scales. Get a multitrack for your computer and experiment on harmonies. Buy a multieffects pedal and experiment.

If you still don't feel like playing, don't sweat it. If it's meant to be it'll happen.
I've quit several times and still go through periods where I don't play for months at a time. I pawned my guitar and amp for 2 years once cause I got tired of not making any progress. The positive side is that when I got it back I had renewed energy and had actually learned a lot by just listening for a change.

If you never go back to it, you'll know fer sure that you're not really interested.
# 2
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02/11/2005 1:06 am
Maybe if you go to the corner store you can buy some.
Ha just kidding. But yeah that's a truth though. You can't get "inspired" inspiration comes to you. Try listening to some new music or listen to old stuff you haven't heard in a long time. Are you a metal guy? Listen to some jazz or blues or bluegrass or something. Try to play what you hear. Inspirtaion is bound to come. We all get in ruts whether they last days weeks, months or years. But at some point, we get back to doing what we used to, and when you do, it's a great feeling.
Practice 8 hours a day and God Bless you.
# 3
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02/11/2005 3:24 pm
I totally agree with the above posts. I've been since I was about 9 and went through times when I sold all my guitars and didn't play for awhile and then started all over again. A change of style or technique helps a lot. I also think that sometimes listening to an awesome player, one that makes you go "WOW" will encourge you to want to push yourself ahead.
# 4
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02/12/2005 5:57 am
that's true.. there are times when the best thing TO do is just knock it off for a while.. this way (at least for me) when you come back, you have a renewd energy.

Another good way to find something to shoot for is to listen to something new. Try a new style of music... if you're into the shred gods, Vai, satch.. try some Jazz.. you'd be amazed at stanley jorday.. (again, just an example..) sometimes putting down youre axe and checking out some new music is a very good way to expand what you do and what you may want to do ..

sorry for the run on.. :D
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Ralph Waldo Emerson
# 5
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02/12/2005 9:05 pm
go to a concert

I was the same way for a while but then I went to a blues club in Mardi Gras and this old black blue guy with 3 teeth and dred locks asked me to play with him on stage

now i'm back into playing
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# 6
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02/12/2005 9:48 pm
Well, I can relate. Those days when you want to do something musically great, but can't because nothing is in your head. I am currently writing a quartet, and I my ideas ran dry about 5 minutes into the piece. I know it isn't the ending, but i couldn't think of anythin else to do! So I went outside and sat around and stop trying. Then as I was relaxing on the grass. It came to me! In other words, just relax and the inspiration will come back
I can't help it. When I get an idea that excites me it's as if I can't breath unless I make it real.
-Steve Vai
# 7

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