View post (Just got out of the recording studio...)

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Explanation: Southerner
Joined: 05/10/04
Posts: 1,445
Explanation: Southerner
Joined: 05/10/04
Posts: 1,445
03/15/2005 10:55 pm
Okay folks, here's a link to listen to Diseased....One song off of our C.D. For some reason, the lo fi version works, but the hi fi doesn't yet. When I clicked on hi fi, it say's the song hasn't been cleared yet, to wait 24 hours (they make sure the music is original), so hopefully the hi fi version will work tomorrow. The lo fi version is pretty crappy in terms of the quality.

I'll be uploading a couple more, I'll keep you all posted.
Check out my band:
Havoc Din