View post (Just got out of the recording studio...)

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Explanation: Southerner
Joined: 05/10/04
Posts: 1,445
Explanation: Southerner
Joined: 05/10/04
Posts: 1,445
03/14/2005 11:12 pm
Okay folks, after many weeks of waiting to get back in to do our last mixdown, we finally have it complete. Ended up doing 6 songs instead of 5. The 6th song was a jam we do called Alone, we actually just jammed it out in the studio and hoped for the best. It turned out pretty good considering it ended up being about a 9:30 long song......We didn't do any editing to Alone except we added a few effects on the vocals and solo's. No cutting out bad notes or fixing them, no overdubbing guitar's, etc....we wanted to keep it as a jam like we would sound live, with mistakes left in it and all.....actually not many mistakes, especially for a 9:30 long jam. I'll be posting some MP3's soon for everyone to criticize....The website got put on the backburner for a little while, but I'll post the MP3's on I'll let everyone know when they are posted.....
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Havoc Din