punkmaster69 : i dont no how.
how to write lyrics

i've been playin my guitar 4 a while and i'm in a punk band and im the lead vocals and lead guitar , so i write the lyrics but i cant write any songs. I can get great word and discriptive words but i cant put them into a song. How do i write a great song?
punkmaster69 : i dont no how.
punkmaster69 : i dont no how.
# 1

you probabily need to make alterations the the words or music to make them fit together. Its pretty hard to write one song on one instrument and another song on another instrument and then make them the same song. Which sounds like what your trying to do.
Bass guitar is the answer to everything
# 2

# 3

Dude all you need to do is to synchronize the lyrics in to the song... make it sound good.. just by trying and trying... failure only makes it better.. since your in a punk band.. just have fun with your instruments.. and i think you should come up with a pretty awesome song... :cool:
# 4

Originally Posted by: punkmaster69Hamburg,
thanks but our bass is really good
lol dude; thats my signature
Bass guitar is the answer to everything
# 5
Originally Posted by: Hamberglol dude; thats my signature
Ive found that you can fit almost any lyrical content within any song structure as long as the pronounciation is correct for application.Using unique phrasing will also help distinguish yourself,your music and your band.
I myself,write songs for guitar,not lyrics.Lyrics will always take a back seat to my playing(Their execution,not content).
Try once,fail twice...
# 6

Originally Posted by: punkmaster69i've been playin my guitar 4 a while and i'm in a punk band and im the lead vocals and lead guitar , so i write the lyrics but i cant write any songs. I can get great word and discriptive words but i cant put them into a song. How do i write a great song?
punkmaster69 : i dont no how.
punk music i dont understand, i dont like the way they sound to dirty without taking care about matiz
Mr John Petrucci is the best
I wanna be like him
Mr John Petrucci is the best
I wanna be like him
# 7

teehee. for one thing this is so untrue im not even going to get into that. And two punk is still music, it may not be your type but other people do like it and you should respect it and appriecitate all types of music to be a really great musician.
We've been dancin' with Mr. Brownstone...
# 8
# 9

Still dont like punk hear progressive rock and you ll learn if u can play one just one dream theater song well will talk
Mr John Petrucci is the best
I wanna be like him
Mr John Petrucci is the best
I wanna be like him
# 10

majestyc - Still dont like punk hear progressive rock and you ll learn if u can play one just one dream theater song well will talk
I agree john petrucci is crazy, but easy on the punk boys
all music is great so it doesnt matter " JUST PLAY!!" :D
# 11

Originally Posted by: majestycStill dont like punk hear progressive rock and you ll learn if u can play one just one dream theater song well will talk
You need to understand that music is subjective. Different kinds of people like different kinds of music. And if you want to be a fan of these boards, yelling PUNK SUCKS!! or any other kind of music sucks, doesn't fair well with others. Instead of doing that, name some reasons why punk doesn't appeal to you, and try to kindly introduce people to music that you like that they may have never heard of before. Music is music, it's an art. Some people like certain art, others don't. It's all based on opinion.
Personally, I don't like most punk, only because it doesn't appeal to me. I don't hate anyone or tell them to listen to what I listen to just because I don't like it. It's all cool. Music is about expression and joining together.
Sometimes I hit notes only dogs can hear.
# 12

Originally Posted by: Pantallica1You need to understand that music is subjective. Different kinds of people like different kinds of music.
Music is music, it's an art. Some people like certain art, others don't. It's all based on opinion.
Personally, I don't like most punk, only because it doesn't appeal to me. I don't hate anyone or tell them to listen to what I listen to just because I don't like it. It's all cool. Music is about expression and joining together.
These are excellent points and I agree 100%
[FONT=Times New Roman]The rich get richer til the poor get educated.[/FONT]
-Sage Francis
-Sage Francis
# 13

Dude, like I have said many times...if you dont like a certain group or type of music then just shut up and dont write on the thread, jeeze people its not that hard.
and for the writing of lyrics. I find the best way would just to get the band to sit down and start messing around with chords and then you the writer just sit and say what is on your mind to the beat of the music that is comming out. or sit and write a song on paper and then mess around with music and see what fits. Its all tryal and error, the more you mess up the closer you get to making a great song
and for the writing of lyrics. I find the best way would just to get the band to sit down and start messing around with chords and then you the writer just sit and say what is on your mind to the beat of the music that is comming out. or sit and write a song on paper and then mess around with music and see what fits. Its all tryal and error, the more you mess up the closer you get to making a great song
# 14

Originally Posted by: AkiraWhy hello Mr. Dickwad. Ever listen to Bad Religion? Sure, their progressions are simple, but their lyrics are genuis. They write about meaningful topics (not you're average "i'm so blue, without you oo oo oo crap).
Bad Relgion are a very intelligent band. Their lead guitarist is actually pretty good (seen them live, he shows off a lil inbetween songs). They play punk rock as to them it is the best way to convey their messages.
Bad Religion is AMAZING- their vocalist (aside of having THE most distince voice I've ever heard in a punk rock band) has a Ph.D. Anyone who feels punk is unintelligent should check out Dead Kennedys, Bad Religion, Crass, or Subhumans, or Black Flag... anyway, if you get a chance check out the essays on Bad Religion's official site- real solid stuff!
[FONT=Times New Roman]The rich get richer til the poor get educated.[/FONT]
-Sage Francis
-Sage Francis
# 15

I was angry because a guy who likes punk sid something we got into a disscution and i p[aste that , sorry i was angry i dont know anything about punk music but i was angry just that
Mr John Petrucci is the best
I wanna be like him
Mr John Petrucci is the best
I wanna be like him
# 16

downloaded few bad religion songs didnt like it the vocalist its so simple
Mr John Petrucci is the best
I wanna be like him
Mr John Petrucci is the best
I wanna be like him
# 17
Dude,if you like dream theater,you should check out spastic ink or symphony X...
Try once,fail twice...
# 18

Originally Posted by: Pantallica1You need to understand that music is subjective. Different kinds of people like different kinds of music. And if you want to be a fan of these boards, yelling PUNK SUCKS!! or any other kind of music sucks, doesn't fair well with others. Instead of doing that, name some reasons why punk doesn't appeal to you, and try to kindly introduce people to music that you like that they may have never heard of before. Music is music, it's an art. Some people like certain art, others don't. It's all based on opinion.
Very awesomely said!!! :cool:
We've been dancin' with Mr. Brownstone...
# 19

Originally Posted by: AkiraDid I win? :eek:
No, I trumped ya. :p
Sometimes I hit notes only dogs can hear.
# 20