Poll: I'd like EVERYBODY to respond to this if possible

Yes or no, did Yngwie Malmsteen's guitar playing/records/ whatever inspire you to run back to the woodshed?
# 1

Nope, he shows amazing technical prowess. I've seen him live and seeing him again in Tokyo this July, and I do spend most of the show scraping my jaw up off the ground. I don't aspire to be like him though.
Mai Zure - So overdriven, he sh*ts distortion
# 2

yngwie won't do it , if you are blackmore's fan for a long time...
i dont like the idea of a musician that ripping deep purple songs on his albums, though he probably has a better technique than blackmore
yngwie won't do it , if you are blackmore's fan for a long time...
i dont like the idea of a musician that ripping deep purple songs on his albums, though he probably has a better technique than blackmore
"They think im crazy..
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."
ren hoek
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."
ren hoek
# 3
Again, no.
Though after seeing Bill Dickens I couldn't even look at my basses for about two days. After that I was back to my usual routine.
Though after seeing Bill Dickens I couldn't even look at my basses for about two days. After that I was back to my usual routine.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 4
Yngwie? Bah. I don't think so. While he is an incredible guitarist, I just don't aspire to that kind of music.
The only player that has sent me running to the woodshed screaming "how the heck did he do that?!" is Vai.
# 5

Yeah The Reaper had me in bits when I first heard. Vai is a bleedin madman.
# 6

None of those guys have ever done it to me, partly because I have never been much interested in that music, and also because I know I would never be able to do what they are doing. For me, it is Hendrix, after hearing anything of his, I just pick up my guitar and spend hours trying to get his stuff down.
"Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year, it's just not that widely reported".
# 7

Originally posted by Bardsley
I know I would never be able to do what they are doing.
For God's sake don't ever say that again. It really makes me mad to hear people say crap like that. I even used to say that and now I think of how idiodic it sounded. Let me take you back in time for a second. Six years ago and still going through puberty I was jammin' at my buds house and listening to "Kill 'Em All". I remember hearing Kirk solo and saying, "Wow! That guy plays so fast, I'll never be able to do that,". Yep, that's right. I used to think Kirk Hammet was a god. Anyway, just know that these musicians are not more talented than anyone else. Everyone has something to offer that no one else has. Being an individual is a lot more important than hoping you can play like someone else anyway. By the way Bof... CRAZY a$$ guitar playing man! Real nice.
Ain't nothin' but a Gear thang, baby!
# 8

Whoops! Almost forgot about the original question at hand. No, I don't really like Yngwie all that much. Personally I'd much rather listen to a violin if he's going to use the guitar like one.
[Edited by BadHorsie on 03-30-2001 at 11:33 PM]
[Edited by BadHorsie on 03-30-2001 at 11:33 PM]
Ain't nothin' but a Gear thang, baby!
# 9
I think you just hit the nail on the head. Sure, we all have our idols, and we all are probably our harshest critcs, but we all have something to offer. We all put things together in a way that nobody else will, and I have faith that some day people will be listening to some of us saying "my god, I'll never be that good..."
The cycle repeats folks, that's just the way it works.
The cycle repeats folks, that's just the way it works.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 10

Yes! I am the first to admit it!
He has and still does inspire greatly, even though its not extremely difficult stuff, he just always has something new up his sleeves!
He is very talented!
He has and still does inspire greatly, even though its not extremely difficult stuff, he just always has something new up his sleeves!
He is very talented!
# 11

Originally posted by BadHorsieOriginally posted by Bardsley
I know I would never be able to do what they are doing.
For God's sake don't ever say that again. It really makes me mad to hear people say crap like that. I even used to say that and now I think of how idiodic it sounded. Let me take you back in time for a second. Six years ago and still going through puberty I was jammin' at my buds house and listening to "Kill 'Em All". I remember hearing Kirk solo and saying, "Wow! That guy plays so fast, I'll never be able to do that,". Yep, that's right. I used to think Kirk Hammet was a god. Anyway, just know that these musicians are not more talented than anyone else. Everyone has something to offer that no one else has. Being an individual is a lot more important than hoping you can play like someone else anyway. By the way Bof... CRAZY a$$ guitar playing man! Real nice.
BadHorsie, nice post man. I know. The great ones (whoever that might be) set goals for us not obstacles. Excellent observation. And I'm glad to see you got the disk. I wondered. Thanks for the compliment.
Stay Frosty
# 12

I love Yngwie, and you peolpe can't say you don't want to play like him. I'd rather play like Hendrix, Page, Slash, or Angus Young, But I wouldn't mind being able to play like Yngwie. Yngwie rocks.
"I'll stand up next to a mountain and chop it down with the edge of my hand."
-Jimi Hendrix
-Jimi Hendrix
# 13
If I could turn a nob or push a button on my guitar and be able to play Yngwie style just like that, then I might do it from time to time. But I'm not going to practice my ass off trying to learn to play like him.
Yeah, I think I can say that I don't want to play like Yngwie. I wouldn't mind it, but I'm not gunna go out of my way to learn, because in the end it's all just the same harmonic minor scale-running anyway.
# 14

i think yngwie is all that and a fish sandwich, but i don't think i'd like to play like him, if i could i would only use it like every now and then just to show people i can play like that. But i'd rather sound like clapton or vai, not actually mimicing them, but if i could steal someone's talent and put in a ball and use it at my own dicresion it would be those to guys.
"Take my hand boss"
# 15

I think Yngwie is a good guitar player. There are a lot people that can play like him but his music is a good inspiration.
# 16

I haven't listened to that much of his stuff, but he seems more technical than I like. His music isn't as emotional as someone like Clapton. But no doubt about it, the guy can play. It is a very difficult style, but one I'd rather listen to than feebly attempt to play.
# 17
'sorry, old son, he didn't impress me for more than the first half hour of the show. After the novelty wears off, it becomes same-old-same-old.
I don't care how many notes can be played in a bar of music.
I don't care how many sounds you can get out of your kit.
Play me some music... something that stirs my soul... something that expresses human emotion, and tells me a story.
Malmsteen leaves me numb and bored. He's one of the people that comes to mind when I mention that some guitarists developed Steve Vai's speed, but didn't learn his sense of melody.
Some people call this condition "playing too technically". What I call it, gets turned into **** on this website.
I don't care how many notes can be played in a bar of music.
I don't care how many sounds you can get out of your kit.
Play me some music... something that stirs my soul... something that expresses human emotion, and tells me a story.
Malmsteen leaves me numb and bored. He's one of the people that comes to mind when I mention that some guitarists developed Steve Vai's speed, but didn't learn his sense of melody.
Some people call this condition "playing too technically". What I call it, gets turned into **** on this website.
# 18
I'd love to be able to have the technical ability Yngwie holds, but I wouldn't like to play his music or like him. Possesing the techniques as executing them as well as he does is an art in itself, but it's not why I continue to pick up the guitar.
So, inspired? Perhaps - only to be a good a technician. Moved? Not a chance - on a emotional level his music lacks something and its that special something that I think most of use want to give through our music.
So, inspired? Perhaps - only to be a good a technician. Moved? Not a chance - on a emotional level his music lacks something and its that special something that I think most of use want to give through our music.
Don't worry too much about me, ignore me long enough and I'll go away.
# 19

The only time I saw Malmsteen it was his 1st tour of the states,small clubs. It was at the Nectarene Ballroom in Ann Arbor Mi. His backup band was a group called Talas and their bassist, an unknown at the time,named Billy Sheehan
stole the show. That was inspiring. I like Blackmore over Malmsteen.
stole the show. That was inspiring. I like Blackmore over Malmsteen.
# 20