What Exercises Can We Recommend To Maintain A Good Practice.

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01/23/2005 10:00 pm
I want people to please give me ideas as to how best can someone maintain a good rehearsal,and what type of hand exercises is good for someone that is willing to be a world class guitarists.
I also want to move a suggestion that all the guitarists around the world should for a group so that amarteurs and upcoming ,including learners can come to ask questions live in a chat conversation.I believe this will go a long way in helping the young ones and also the new guitarists of becoming an expert.
Thank you.
Any enqiury or response can also be e-maied directly to me: [email]ostatee@hotmail.com[/email]
Thank you.
Osta Tee.
# 1
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01/26/2005 8:59 pm
yeah ive said it befor say it again - a teacher is your best bet.

id try out blues the scales are alot of fun to play and they also get you to master the fretboard.

rock on. :cool:
JK :cool:

-Agile Guitars Enthusiast
# 2
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01/28/2005 8:23 pm
chromatic exercises are good for good pickin and finger techniques, as well as string skipping.
My amp is a weapon of mas DISTORTION!!!!
# 3
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
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01/28/2005 8:26 pm
Well if you follow the advice of Mr Vai, every scale in every position followed by every chord.
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 4
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02/02/2005 4:46 pm
Definately scales... keeps the fingers limber and gets you to know your fret board. They really helped me when I transfered from the wide fret board of a classical to the electric and western style guitar.
# 5
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02/03/2005 5:24 pm
I practice like this:

Warm up with running up and down my scales normally. The legato my scales. Afterwards, I match the chords to the scales. Learn a new chord( or try too). Practice on hammer on/pull offs. Sliding, tapping, sweeping ect, Basically anything technique I can work on. Practice different progressions. Work on a song here or there if i feel like it.

Not sure if you wanted to know all that, but hey!

A good exercise I always liked was this one:


Then do that going down. Do it with your Index to Middle. Middle to Ring Ring to pinky Then start from 2 and go to 1 with pull offs


Do that with index to middle. Middle ro ring. Ring to pinky. Then index to ring Index to pinky. Middle to pinky, Then start fro 3 to 1 with pull offs. You can go 4 to 1 1 to 4 whatever. Just mix up the fingering and make each finger just as strong.
I can't help it. When I get an idea that excites me it's as if I can't breath unless I make it real.
-Steve Vai
# 6

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