I think I narrowed it down to these:
1: Digitech Death Metal
2: Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
3: Line 6 Uber Metal
If you read the names of the pedals it's probably pretty obvious that I want a death metal sound! Now I went to the websites of these 3 pedals and heard a sample of what each sounded like... I liked the Digitech the best but it's also the cheapest of the three pedals, so I was wondering if maybe the sound sample may have been a little... misleading. have any of you guys tried these pedals? I'm also open to suggestions if you think you know of a pedal better than any of these.
Distortion pedals!!!
# 1

I'm not into death metal..however I've played the BOSS Metal Zone. I like the fact that you can blend in modulation which I think adds alot to the tone. I'd stay away from Digitech..never had any good experiences with them.
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
# 2
out of those three?I havn't tried the line6 distortion,but would throw any amount of money down,that the Boss mt-2 would give a way better sound.
I actually have a question to whomever can answer...ive ran an mt-2 through a solid state head,but was thinking what running one through the clean channel of a good tube amp would be like...Would the mt-2 completley 'take over' the sound(as it does on a solid-state clean channel) or would the amps tubes shine through at all?...I think that setup(MT-2 and a decent tube amp)would create a ballsy tone.
I actually have a question to whomever can answer...ive ran an mt-2 through a solid state head,but was thinking what running one through the clean channel of a good tube amp would be like...Would the mt-2 completley 'take over' the sound(as it does on a solid-state clean channel) or would the amps tubes shine through at all?...I think that setup(MT-2 and a decent tube amp)would create a ballsy tone.
Try once,fail twice...
# 3

Originally Posted by: chucklivesoninmyheartout of those three?I havn't tried the line6 distortion,but would throw any amount of money down,that the Boss mt-2 would give a way better sound.
I actually have a question to whomever can answer...ive ran an mt-2 through a solid state head,but was thinking what running one through the clean channel of a good tube amp would be like...Would the mt-2 completley 'take over' the sound(as it does on a solid-state clean channel) or would the amps tubes shine through at all?...I think that setup(MT-2 and a decent tube amp)would create a ballsy tone.
hey im glad you asked i ran my **** guitar with a mt-2 metal zone through a cheap tube practise amp and it sounds like huge tone when compared to my $600 212 solid state. because of this ive recantly decided to get a tube preamp to enlighten the tone to be the same as with the tube practise amp. :cool:
# 4

im really in to playing metal and i use a digitech grunge pedal i reccomend this although you should demo anything before u buy it
# 5