New Guy

Hy People!! I"m Kind Of A New Guy Round Here, So Yust To Say Hello To Everybody. I"m From Croatia, Been Playing For Few Years, I Play A Ibanez Gsa 60. So If Anyone Has Like Some Questions Or Remarks Or Anyhting, Feel Free To Say (write) So. I Know I Will Have A Zillion Of Questions. ;)
# 1

hey, nice to have u here!! take a good look round this site, and enjoy!! :D
My amp is a weapon of mas DISTORTION!!!!
# 2

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# 4

hi i'm new i live in the united kingdom and just today decided to play the guitar i was wandering if anybody can give me some tips to start with i can read tabs a bit but i cant play anything except the very beginning for good riddance by greenday but i like heavy metal and a bit of punk aswell so if anybody can tell me some easy starting tabs it would be greatly appreciated thx! :D
# 5

easy tabs = blink 182 anything by them is so simple. also try learning some basic chords. search this site for begginer lessons and chord shapes. you made an excellent choice in the Guitar!!
My amp is a weapon of mas DISTORTION!!!!
# 6

Thanks guys (and girls?). Nice of you to welcome me.
I play both electric and acoustic, i have a band and we paly at wedding and stuff. It sucks, but it pays ok. at home i mostly play rock. Ialso play a trumpet.
I play both electric and acoustic, i have a band and we paly at wedding and stuff. It sucks, but it pays ok. at home i mostly play rock. Ialso play a trumpet.
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