So far, I think this is a great site. I appreciate all the hard work, and time it takes to build, and maintain, as I help manage a very popular NFL web site myself.
Believe me, $5 a month is a "drop in the bucket" compared to the costs of a good www.
The only gripe I have really, is that I'm into blues, and theirs only ONE blues jam track to practice with, and it ain't the kind of blues I want to play. I thought their would be more if I bought in, but it's still only one "Benoit blues".
I'm sure that a couple of the pros here could do better to supply several more blues tracks, different keys, and tempos for us. ;)
Of course I only joined today, but I've been lurking in "try it out" mode for a little while.
Anyway, great job to the admins/mods on running a tight ship! Keep it up, and if theres any way I can help, lemme know! :)