Hi guys the fact there is people here questioning whatever happened to the good old days means there is an undercurrent waiting to rise. How many times have we heard rock is dead in the press, and then it just comes back stronger than ever before. I believe the most important thing when you write a song is that you were sincere, you know someone connecting with the tune recognises you have something to say and you really mean it, if it doesn't fit this criteria my perspective is that its a weak song. This doesn't mean all good tunes have to be deppressing and serious but it can be, humour, irony, surrealism, metaphors, being iconic howtever you want it, just do it with passion I say. I feel nowadays there is too many shoegazer bands outhere coldplay, Keane, travis, stereophonics etc and not enough real musicians being allowed to come through, as the majority of people have been fed this garbage since the post Nirvana days of the nineties and it has been portrayed as almost embarrassing to be able to play your guitar properly since this time as if this is hip, oh thats right they call it being alternative. The industry looked at Nirvana and the success and signed up dozens of DIY student-esq rock bands, bit like the punk days and thats what teenagers have had for the past decade, this meant real guitar players writers and proper production was seen as a taboo. I tell you what though great bands like The Hendrix experience, Aerosmith, Black Sabbath, GNR, Zappa, the Who and many more are being discovered by more and more young music fans all the time, people who like to party, take a smoke and a good drink etc and I believe sooner or later quality will be back because there will be young guns wanting to emulate these guys, it may start as an underground scene where you really have to be able to play real tight and real well and then explode again on to the main stream, but ultimately change will come with dissatisfaction. A big problem as well is that much of the music industry is run by old dinosaurs/ ex addicts who think their era is a by gone time, a golden era. Just cause they tell us there will never be anyone as good as such n such again does that mean as the youth of today we have to believe it. Young people should claim their culture, if its not happening make it happen and stick two fingers upto every dinosaur that believes no real quality can ever come again, it is outhere they just have to sign it.