Originally Posted by: iamthe_eggman[Preface: PonyOne, I'm gonna give you a run for your money as "king of long-winded posts" with this one-- I know I've asked for the crown in the past, but I think I wrench it out of your lifeless hands this this post.]
Well, I've been planning this for some time now; this is my last post here at Guitar Tricks Forums in the foreseeable future. Number 2000. (Yeah, I'm a sucker for melodrama) . I'm glad that I reached that plateau before Azrael, and especially Incidents Happen, since, I've been here longer than you, ya know!
I'm not leaving in response to anything; at least, nothing on this site. I just feel that my life has taken me in a different direction and I'm not able to commit as much to this site as I used to. It's kind of hard to explain, but the choice is all mine; that is to say, no one is forcing me to do this.
That being said, I will definitely still lurk, and who knows what the future will hold for me. Perhaps I will make my triumphant return and one day make post #2001. In which case I will expect cases of champagne to be delivered to my front step. Post #2001 will include my full mailing address and UPS account number.
This here will be the thread where I'll be able to garner fountains of praise from you non-moderating peons and my legend will be born; or something along those lines.
It's been almost 5 years since I first joined (May 2000), and I've watched this site go through boom, bust and echo. I remember when the heavy hitters here were magnus, johan and jake sommers, and Jon would actively participate in forum discussions. When ekstasis16 was the theory guru. A lot of things have changed, and many things haven't. We still have the folks that come through here all excited and such and make 20 posts in a day, only to leave after a week; we have the young punks that really, really, REALLY need to retake Grade 3 English; people who want to spam the place up (since you're really going to get far selling cigarettes at a GUITAR FORUM); those whose posts make [U]absolutely no sense at all[/U], even though English is their first language; then there's the occasional person who gets sucked in and trapped in the internet prison known as www.guitartricks.com/forum. I'm sure, if I ever come back, these people will still be flowing through. And Axl_Rose will probably have broken up and reunited with his girlfriend 29,032 times over and divorced and remarried her another 3,424 times.
Thanks to everyone who made this place a great hangout. Thanks, Jon, for allowing me to be a part of something so unique, and I'm very happy to have been able to witness the transition from the "old" to the "new". Everyone, don't be stingy; how many times do you waste $5 on junk a month? Save it up and give the man your money. He deserves it.
Well everyone, keep this place interesting, keep learning, rock on and peace out. Catch ya on the flip side.
...And we care becuz? ;) No, but seriously, can I be in your will?