I got seasons 3 and 4 of Buffy... "I Robot" and a laser pen.
A big back full of Happy Socks, a new Minolta Camera and a 1 hour promise to do anything I want with my girlfriend and a jar of Vaseline :p
with a schoolgirl and cheerleader outfit and some Rufies.
Also got new strings, 20 CD's and a bag of firewood.
For christmas dinner, I made mashed potatoes, turkey with cranberry sauce, peas, sprouts, yorkshire pudding, carrots, stuffing (two different kinds), gravy, cauliflower, fresh mint sauce. Then christmas pudding with custard for desert. Mincemeat tarts.
Then crashed for 18 hours.
So...what'd everybody get??
# 1

you got me beat,
I got jimi hendrix tab book, two jimi dvd's, SRV tab book from the pops, world of warcraft video game from a friend (msg me if anyone wants to play), and thats all.
I got jimi hendrix tab book, two jimi dvd's, SRV tab book from the pops, world of warcraft video game from a friend (msg me if anyone wants to play), and thats all.
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 2
[font=trebuchet ms]I got an old Washburn SBT-21. It's a Tele-bodied guitar with a piezo bridge pickup, for a zero-feedback amplified acoustic sound.[/font]
# 3

i got fourth season of futurama, a couple of dvds, and x300 stagg, anyone know if thts a good guitar or average.. or what? its on its way from swiss. im looking forward to playing it either way.
# 4

# 5

i got a randy rhoades Jackson guitar :D , very pleased with!!! a guitar stand which holds 5 guitar's, cd's, clothes,a new hi-fi stereo thing, a new mobile phone, and some dvd's. and a real cool marshall amp t-shirt!!!
Happy New Year Everyone!!!! :D
Happy New Year Everyone!!!! :D
My amp is a weapon of mas DISTORTION!!!!
# 6

looks like you guys well be haven a good time.... with your guitars that is!
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 7
A G5 PowerMac, Complete set of ultra high gain JJs from Eurotubes for my TSL and a book called "how to service tube amps" from StewMac !
Oh Yes !
Now if only FedEx would get their act together I could relax a bit !
I cooked: Thin end of Ribeye (roast beef), yorkshire puddings, sprooots, carrots, garlic mashed potatoes, mental Christmas Ratatouille (with lots of bacon and mushrooms and no eggplant) served with Gravy, creamy horseradish and Coleman's mustard.
All served in a big bucket (each) !
Fan-bloody-tastic !
Oh Yes !
Now if only FedEx would get their act together I could relax a bit !
I cooked: Thin end of Ribeye (roast beef), yorkshire puddings, sprooots, carrots, garlic mashed potatoes, mental Christmas Ratatouille (with lots of bacon and mushrooms and no eggplant) served with Gravy, creamy horseradish and Coleman's mustard.
All served in a big bucket (each) !
Fan-bloody-tastic !
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 8
Stinkin bastard. :mad:
I haven't even had the pleasure of touching a G5 yet.
Wanna trade a bag of "Happy Feet" socks for your new computer???
They're barely used.
I haven't even had the pleasure of touching a G5 yet.
Wanna trade a bag of "Happy Feet" socks for your new computer???
They're barely used.
# 9
Hey I haven't got it yet It shipped second day FedEx on the 21st and is still in Indiana ! PANTS !!
Oh yes I got Logic Pro 7 as well.
Looks really nice !
Oh yes I got Logic Pro 7 as well.
Looks really nice !
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 10
yeah well I got track of the day on three different songs at GarageBand, so
I also got one of my songs used in a car stereo commercial... and another one in a vampire movie so there....
I win..... even if your computer is better than mine.
It's not the size of the computer... it's the penis who uses it...
or something like that.
Holy crap I've gotta lay off the nog... it's only 7 a.m.
I also got one of my songs used in a car stereo commercial... and another one in a vampire movie so there....
I win..... even if your computer is better than mine.
It's not the size of the computer... it's the penis who uses it...
or something like that.
Holy crap I've gotta lay off the nog... it's only 7 a.m.
# 11
a new soundcard - or at least the money for it.. will be a Terratec Phase 28.. plus a new, bigger harddisk
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 12
I got some new threads and such. But my main gift is a pimpin' weight bench. I'm leaving it in the box until I find out if I'm moving to Memphis though. Too many moving parts to ever disassemble that biatch.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
My YouTube Profile
My YouTube Profile
# 13

"It's not the size of the computer... it's the penis who uses it...
or something like that. "
hahahahahaha oh god that's good knowledge right there
I got a niceass leather jacket (black of course because im cool like that :P jk), a Yamaha Acoustic (it's a semi-cheap one $200-250 but it actually plays pretty good; model "f335 BL" for anyone who cares), and some stuff for my room to make it look better. And my bro got engaged, so i got a sister-in-law for christmas
My dad hasnt gotten me anything yet, i'm thinking about a new amp though (25 watt pile is all i have) i was looking at the Fender Stage 1600, 160 watts. anyone have any experience with it? I need something that is usable at gigs but can still be played in a house at low volume and sound just as good.
or something like that. "
hahahahahaha oh god that's good knowledge right there
I got a niceass leather jacket (black of course because im cool like that :P jk), a Yamaha Acoustic (it's a semi-cheap one $200-250 but it actually plays pretty good; model "f335 BL" for anyone who cares), and some stuff for my room to make it look better. And my bro got engaged, so i got a sister-in-law for christmas
My dad hasnt gotten me anything yet, i'm thinking about a new amp though (25 watt pile is all i have) i was looking at the Fender Stage 1600, 160 watts. anyone have any experience with it? I need something that is usable at gigs but can still be played in a house at low volume and sound just as good.
[FONT=Courier New]
:cool: Ckandes1
:cool: Ckandes1
# 14

Boy, some of you guys and girls got some sweet ****. I must have slept with Santa's sister or something because I got nothin!!!.....j/k.....I don't have much of a family so I just traded some **** gifts with my best friend. I hate being too old to get presents...I loved toys like no ones business. Legos....Latin for "Toys of the Gods."..lol.
Knock, knock
Who's there?
Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy who?
Let me in, meat
I mean....Hi, it's Santa Claus
Who's there?
Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy who?
Let me in, meat
I mean....Hi, it's Santa Claus
# 15
Ckandes: I'm just looking at your sig. I'm not gonna play it or put it in powertab, but tell me if I'm right just looking at it. Is it the beginning of "Ride the Lightning" or "Seek And Destroy?" It looks like that's how it would sound. I can't remember which one would sound like that. I'm gonna say "Seek and Destroy," though.
# 16

I picked up the classical guitar this christmas, and have been playing it constantly, as I will be auditioning for colleges with it. It's a Rodriguez Model B (they sell around $700). A very nice purchase; in a year or so I'll probably move up to a Contreras.
# 17

Originally Posted by: Jolly McJollysonCkandes: I'm just looking at your sig. I'm not gonna play it or put it in powertab, but tell me if I'm right just looking at it. Is it the beginning of "Ride the Lightning" or "Seek And Destroy?" It looks like that's how it would sound. I can't remember which one would sound like that. I'm gonna say "Seek and Destroy," though.
Dead on, it's the intro to Seek and Destroy
[FONT=Courier New]
:cool: Ckandes1
:cool: Ckandes1
# 18

ipod, clothes, a few books, and a bunch of money
I'm very close to buying a really nice used american strat...
I'm very close to buying a really nice used american strat...
Alas Gandalf lives, Middle Earth is again safe...
# 19