anyone know?

hi all id like to know if anybody could tell about the rp series from digitech im excpecially interested in one thing and thats is since on the models it says that they have a stereo output 1/4 inch jack and id like to know if that means that if i were to use a typical mono cord in that,would i only be hearing the sound created from just the right or left or does it aoutomatically make both right and left signals pass?
# 1
If you plug a mono anything to a stereo anything , it works mono.
Also as a rule of thumb , and extra option that doesn't take away from current options , and doesn't cost extra bucks is always cool.
Also as a rule of thumb , and extra option that doesn't take away from current options , and doesn't cost extra bucks is always cool.
# 2

# 3
Some effects will do mono in stereo out, if it is a stereo effect and that is what this unit does. In the manuel it will say sometihng like for mono opperation plug in only the left chanal and it will sound fine !
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 4