WWSD? What would stevie do?
i need Tuner

I need to find a tuner to set my intonation at about +/- 1 percent. I have a $20 tuner, but it fluxuates like a mofo about 5 percent deviation. I dont want to spend tooooo much but im hearing that about 100 CAD its gonna cost me... Any suggestion or could it be that guitar is just sh*t.
# 1
I've always stuck with handheld Korg tuners. They're rock steady and put up with lots of abuse. I bought a GA-30 tuner off eBay for less than $100.
It gives you all the features you'd ever need including transposing and 7 string.
My only complaint is there's no backlight for the LCD display so for live use or in front of a computer screen in a dark studio, it's kinda tricky to see the 'VU' meter sometimes. There's red & green indicators for flat/sharp tho.
It gives you all the features you'd ever need including transposing and 7 string.
My only complaint is there's no backlight for the LCD display so for live use or in front of a computer screen in a dark studio, it's kinda tricky to see the 'VU' meter sometimes. There's red & green indicators for flat/sharp tho.
# 2

Thanks schmange but i need something a little more accurate.
If anyone can also tell me how the heck to set the intonation with in 1/100th a pitch, that a be great.
If anyone can also tell me how the heck to set the intonation with in 1/100th a pitch, that a be great.
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 3
I set intonation with a hand held and check it on about 3 others (Expensive Boss TU12, whey overpriced, The tuner on my POD and the tuner on my D1200) and the hand held is always bang on. It is a Seiko 20 dollar chromatic deal from a local music shop. I normally get ti down to +/- 1 or 2 cents.
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 4
man.. how accurate do you guys need to be?
# 5

How do u get it down to +/- 1.... my tuner flucuates...any tips or does my guitar or tuner suck?
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 6
Well first you need to let your strings stretch in. Then you should be able to get a constant tone by just playing an open note, like an open G
If you cant do this you may want to have a look at your neck joint !
If you cant do this you may want to have a look at your neck joint !
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 7

U were right Simon, i had to work em in a bit. Much better, not 100% perfect but much much better, thanks!
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 8

when it comes to perfect tuning, see Ander's set of lessons on tuning here on Guitar Tricks. There is no perfect.
# 9

The BEST device I've found so far is a Snark headstock tuner. It has no microphone - picks up vibrations from the headstock. I had the same kind of issues with a Korg, which was clearly affected by any background noise in the room. There are other headstock tuners out there, as well, but the Snark is the only one I've tried and it is really an excellent product.
# 10

I have a planet waves strobe on my pedal board , but ore-gig I use a snark . No problems with background noise or using alternate tunings . Tried a Korg , but found it painful . I loaned it to a friend who is learning . He came to see me the other day complaining that he couldn't tune up . Turns out he had accidentally reset the pitch
# 11