A friend of mine has an Epiphone Les Paul he wants to heavily 'pimp' :p. He was thinking of putting EMG's on it, and the other day, while talking about me getting a sustainer for my strat, he came with the idea of putting one of the EMGs in the bridge position and the driver of the sustainer system in the neck. I think it would sound cool, but we thought that maybe the sustainer wouldn't sound as good as the EMG working as a pickup. So we thought of something: Why not modifying it so it becomes a 3 pickup guitar, With EMG's in the bridge and middle and the Fernandes sustainer in the neck. Is it possible to wire the 3 pickups to configure the guitar like this??
We thought of some possible shortcomings, such as the need to place a 5 position pickup selector, the need for 2 batteries, and how to wire the volume and tone controls. Any suggestions??