Originally Posted by: JFRICKHere's my opinion on writing solo's.....Don't think about it too much. Trying to use a certain mode or scale or technique is forcing it in my opinion, and a forced solo won't sound good. Just let it flow, jam on it, a solo will eventually take shape.
Yeah, basically. Knowledge of what notes are in the same key as the rest of the song is always great, but you don't have to have a truckload of scales memorized to solo.
The last time I was in a band (four years ago) I didn't know much music theory. Everything I wrote and played was entirely by ear. I had never heard of a mode and the only scale I knew (minor pent) I didn't use.
A good ear is the single most valuable skill when writing any kind of music, especially solos.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"